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The e-commerce.

Admin for members only


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Does anyone know how I could let my oscommerce administration panel open for my members?


In other words, I want all the members of my main oscommerce site to be able to see admin area.

Despite the fact that in the login page (login.php) there is php code that registers the session of customer_id -> tep_session_register('customer_id'); ,

in administration page it seems that customer_id is not registered so tep_is_registered('customer_id') doesn't work...

Why does that happen?


Does anybody have any idea....?

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For osC RC**, you need to use tep_session_is_registered('admin') to determine if the admin session is running, not 'customer_id'.


I think that is what you need.



Rob Bell - Inspired Graphix

Customising osCommerce in Australia, and the world!

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I'm sorry, but i cannot offer Free support via PM etc, and osCommerce forums prohibit me from putting any reference to paid support in my signauture.

However viewing my profile may provide links to my website or something like that which you may find useful.

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For osC RC**, you need to use tep_session_is_registered('admin') to determine if the admin session is running, not 'customer_id'.


I think that is what you need.




Thank you Rob for your reply.

I think that tep_session_is_registered('admin') is for administrators. What I need is that the customers to access the administration panel and that the panel recognizes them like tha index oscommerce page, like: welcome ilias!

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