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Thumbnail contribution and PHP5


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I have moved ms2.2 to PHP5. I have the thumbnail contribution installed.


I see no images of products.


The error that gives me instead of the image of the product is this, "Error, file path incorrect, check configure.php".


I have checked the link, and looks the correct one. There are some incompatibilities with PHP5?



Best Regards, Andre.

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There are many thumbnail contributions, can you provide a link to the contribution you have got installed and paste your configure file so people can take a look.

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There are many thumbnail contributions, can you provide a link to the contribution you have got installed and paste your configure file so people can take a look.


Hi, the contribution installed is,


// "Image Magic" by Tom Muldoon.

// Version 1.14


// Portions taken from 'On The Fly' Auto Thumbnailer using GD Library

// - See readme file for credits


// If you find this contribution useful, I would appreciate a link to my site

// www.kitwear.com under the term 'football shirts' - Thanks



There are any possibility to work with PHP5?



Best Regards, Andre

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