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Index page not alligning correctly


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Hi - I'm new to OS Commerce and PHP but learning a lot. I'm using a template and simply replaced the logo.jpg and a p.jpg (picture to the right of the logo) with similar images of the same size. For some reason it doesn't line up on the index.php page but is fine on all the others! Any ideas? Is there something else unique to the index page that I need to change or adjust? Please take a look and advise.




Thanks in advance.




Must have a table width problem somewhere.


It's hard to "do the math", but width of the entire usable area is defined at the top:


<table style="width: 890px;" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

890 pix.


The left and right columns are 182 each. 2 x 182 = 364.


Room for body is: 890 - 364 = 526


And that's exactly what you have for an image:


<img src="images/bann.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="162" width="526">

But, I believe because of the borders, or padding, that's too large.


I made it this and things lined up (I'm using the Web developer plugin in Firefox):


<img src="images/bann.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="162" width="498">

If you can find the places to get the exact figures, I could be a couple of pixels off, but 498 is pretty close.


And sometimes things don't turn out exactly the same in IE as Firefox.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Figured it out and fixed it. Had to do with changing the size of the image in the right column. Thanks anyway.

Must have a table width problem somewhere.


It's hard to "do the math", but width of the entire usable area is defined at the top:


<table style="width: 890px;" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

890 pix.


The left and right columns are 182 each. 2 x 182 = 364.


Room for body is: 890 - 364 = 526


And that's exactly what you have for an image:


<img src="images/bann.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="162" width="526">

But, I believe because of the borders, or padding, that's too large.


I made it this and things lined up (I'm using the Web developer plugin in Firefox):


<img src="images/bann.jpg" alt="" border="0" height="162" width="498">

If you can find the places to get the exact figures, I could be a couple of pixels off, but 498 is pretty close.


And sometimes things don't turn out exactly the same in IE as Firefox.



I really appreciate your effort. Thank you. Stephanie


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