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The e-commerce.

setting up and where to edit


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good morning,


I'm new. I installed oscommerce this weekend. I've been working on it now and am not getting very far. I've installed a couple of contributions that I thought would help. Here in lies my questions.



1. - I installed fckeditor contribution - did I miss some part of the modification instructs as I don't show an editor for the index.php in the language english folder. I read a lot of contribution descriptions - so maybe I miss-read, but I thought this contribution was suppose to add an editor for all text areas? If this does not - is there something I can add that will give me wysiwyg for editing the page text. I see the editor for product descriptions, so I have it installed correctly that far.


2. - I installed the contribution sts.4.5.8 - which is a template - apparently though, info is still being called from the stylesheet, as I change the color of the background to the cell holding the tiny icons, and it doesn't change. also - the grey line in the header navigation stays grey. do I edit the stylesheet? How can I tell the template not to incorparte info from the stylesheet.


I know just enough about html etc to most likely fuddle my way through this, but not enough to understand my problems - you know what I mean?


Any advice would be appreciated.


thank you



i want to add or edit actually that I think i have solved #2 of my problem.


so any advice about the fckeditor and using it to edit the main page center text area would be helpful.

thank you.



good morning,



2. - I installed the contribution sts.4.5.8 - which is a template - apparently though, info is still being called from the stylesheet, as I change the color of the background to the cell holding the tiny icons, and it doesn't change. also - the grey line in the header navigation stays grey. do I edit the stylesheet? How can I tell the template not to incorparte info from the stylesheet.


I know just enough about html etc to most likely fuddle my way through this, but not enough to understand my problems - you know what I mean?


Any advice would be appreciated.


thank you



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