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CSV datafeed - how do I do this?!


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Hi all,


I really hope someone here will be able to help?! I've looked through the contributions, but can't find one that is specific enough to my issue.


I have asked to provide a CSV datafield with the information below. I've never been asked such a thing before and am hoping that somebody here will be able to point in the direction with regards to what I need to do (or point me in the direction of a contribution that I may have missed!).


I already have a datafeed to shopmania - http://www.sendit.co.uk/datafeed_shopmania.php , but I don't understand how to get a this into CSV format.


Any help is much appreciated.


Thanks all,







Please ensure the datafeed is in the following column format:


Product URL*², Product ID (50 chars max.)*, Product Name (50 chars max.)§, Product Description§, Image URL§², Price §³, Category§, Payout §³ , Brand Name§, Popular ( YES or NO )§, Alt URLs§, CampaignID§¥.


The first two columns are required to be the URL and ID of the product respectively.

The remainder columns can be in any order as long as you use the specified column headings given above.


* - required

§ - optional

² - URL format (Example: http://www.directtrack.com)

³ - Numeric format only (Example: 12.34)

¥ - Add the CampaignID column if products are to be assigned to various campaigns

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