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Change .header background color


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Why can't I change the .header background? I tried td {background: #foe68c;}. The background stayed white. Next I tried <tr>, <table>, gave the table a name and wrapped it all in a div. Nothing worked. Still just a white background, the default. I even added bgcolor="#f0e68c" in the header html.


Can the header background be changed or do I have to use a graphic? I am grouping my CSS changes at the end of the file so I can change colors often. I really don't want to mess with a colored background graphic. My logo graphic currently has a transparent background.


I can change mine with this part of the stylesheet:


TR.header {
 background: #ffffff;

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I finally got it. If I changed just the one like you suggested, it remained white, so I moved on to some of the other small elements. I found that I needed to change both the TD.class and TR.class. I went back to the header and the same method worked there.




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