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Canada Post Automated Labels 2.0 AND Canada Post Shipping Module 4.0


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I'm using the Canada Post 2.0/4.0 module to calculate shipping with Canada Post and it seems to be working OK to calc the shipping amounts but the labels don't seem to be working. I get the following error message when clicking the submitt button on the "Canada Post Automated Labels" screen...


Step 2. Error: Failed check in /home/.sites/147/site57/web/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/ship_canadapost.php at line 9. This most likely means that Canada Post has changed their user interface. You need to update your Canada Post Automatic Shipping Labels module.


In reading this thread it looks like most of these issues involve the version of libcurl and compiling with ssh2. I've had my host fix this up fopr me but I'm still getting the same error message. Here is how my cURL is setup...


cURL Information = libcurl/7.18.2 OpenSSL/0.9.7a zlib/ libidn/0.5.6 libssh2/0.17


The "Canada Post Automated Labels" screen doesn't seem to be showing the proper information for the shipment. "Total Items Weight" = 0.000 with the comment "Change this to the Total Package Weight." The package dimensions are also wrong. It shows dimensions that I have not even setup on the CP site?


The only thing I can think of is opening Port 30000...but I would assume that the shipping calculations wouldn't work if this port was blocked?




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This module look great, I'm looking to install it for one of my client GiftBasket but I am wondering before charging them for the installation of the module if it can work as a shipping estimate or in demo mode without actually paying Canada Post.

This is because they do not use Canada Post for all the delivery (they deliver some them self) but charge the price estimated by the module. So they don't want to pay Canada Post for a service that they won't use all the time.


Is it possible to use that module to estimate and charge the shipping for the customer, base on Canada Post price, and then decide to use or not their service and tracking??





Hosting & other internet solution

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This module look great, I'm looking to install it for one of my client GiftBasket but I am wondering before charging them for the installation of the module if it can work as a shipping estimate or in demo mode without actually paying Canada Post.

This is because they do not use Canada Post for all the delivery (they deliver some them self) but charge the price estimated by the module. So they don't want to pay Canada Post for a service that they won't use all the time.


Is it possible to use that module to estimate and charge the shipping for the customer, base on Canada Post price, and then decide to use or not their service and tracking??




Yes, that's the way the contrib works without the Label Module. The Label Module is the one that allows you to pay online and generate a label to attach to the package for shipping. At least this is the way I think it works as I have not been able to get the Label part working. The base of the contrib will calc the CP postal cost and put it on the customers order. You can choose to ship via a different method if you like.

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I'm using the Canada Post 2.0/4.0 module to calculate shipping with Canada Post and it seems to be working OK to calc the shipping amounts but the labels don't seem to be working. I get the following error message when clicking the submitt button on the "Canada Post Automated Labels" screen...


Step 2. Error: Failed check in /home/.sites/147/site57/web/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/ship_canadapost.php at line 9. This most likely means that Canada Post has changed their user interface. You need to update your Canada Post Automatic Shipping Labels module.


In reading this thread it looks like most of these issues involve the version of libcurl and compiling with ssh2. I've had my host fix this up fopr me but I'm still getting the same error message. Here is how my cURL is setup...


cURL Information = libcurl/7.18.2 OpenSSL/0.9.7a zlib/ libidn/0.5.6 libssh2/0.17


The "Canada Post Automated Labels" screen doesn't seem to be showing the proper information for the shipment. "Total Items Weight" = 0.000 with the comment "Change this to the Total Package Weight." The package dimensions are also wrong. It shows dimensions that I have not even setup on the CP site?


The only thing I can think of is opening Port 30000...but I would assume that the shipping calculations wouldn't work if this port was blocked?





I checked with my host and port 30000 is open. I have no idea why the Label part of this contrib is not working?



Don't make me go in there as I know enough about php to be dangerous!


BTW, I'm using 2.2.1/4.1...

Edited by westerngecko
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Step 2 is logging in. Please make sure that your login info is correct in the configuration of the module. Check that you can actually login with it on Canada Post site.


Does it use the same login information I've entered in the module to get the actual shipping amount and box size? This is working OK...


When I manually log into... http://sellonline.canadapost.ca/servlet/LogonServlet

I usually copy and paste my login credentials from the osCommerce CP Module screen so I'm pretty sure they're correct in the module.

Edited by westerngecko
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  • 2 weeks later...

All I keep getting is;


Progress Indicator

Step 1. Initialized.

Step 2. Error: Failed check in /home/name/public_html/shop/admin/includes/languages/english/ship_canadapost.php at line 9. This most likely means that Canada Post has changed their user interface. You need to update your Canada Post Automatic Shipping Labels module.


I have all the information that I think I need setup, I do have the Venture One account and I do have a ship online account. Where can it be going wrong? What can I do to try to resolve this?


Any help is appreciated

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  • 1 month later...

Can anyone help me?


I have installed this module and all is working great. However, I have also added another add-on "add-weight-to-product-attributes v0.2" which allows me to add a weight attribute to product options in additon to the price attribute that comes with osC. On checkout, the Canada Post module is not picking up this extra (weight) attribute. I'm pretty darn sure its in the catalog/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php where the problem lies. I have tried a WinMerge with the shopping_cart.php file that came with the "add-weight-to-product-attributes v0.2" vs. my existing shopping_cart file but the two are so substantially different now that I just can't seem to find it.


Has anyone out there combined these two add-ons that could possible shed some light on this for me?


Or, if you have a big heart and would be willing to take a look at the two files, please PM me and I can send them to you.


The Canada Post module is great by the way ...Kudos to those who put it together. One word of caution to those looking to install it though, open the "INSTALL.htm" file with safari or something other than IE ...the latter makes it really tough to copy and paste file edits.




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Can anyone help me?


I have installed this module and all is working great. However, I have also added another add-on "add-weight-to-product-attributes v0.2" which allows me to add a weight attribute to product options in additon to the price attribute that comes with osC. On checkout, the Canada Post module is not picking up this extra (weight) attribute. I'm pretty darn sure its in the catalog/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php where the problem lies. I have tried a WinMerge with the shopping_cart.php file that came with the "add-weight-to-product-attributes v0.2" vs. my existing shopping_cart file but the two are so substantially different now that I just can't seem to find it.


Has anyone out there combined these two add-ons that could possible shed some light on this for me?


Or, if you have a big heart and would be willing to take a look at the two files, please PM me and I can send them to you.


The Canada Post module is great by the way ...Kudos to those who put it together. One word of caution to those looking to install it though, open the "INSTALL.htm" file with safari or something other than IE ...the latter makes it really tough to copy and paste file edits.








There is a fix for this ...actually created for UPS but I've tried it and it works great for Canada Post too.


If anyone else has this issue go to:




and download:


"Add Weight to Attributes and UPS xml R & S fix"


...I'm learning, where there's a will, there's an addon! :)


Thanks to falsedawn and JanZ for the fix!

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All I keep getting is;


Progress Indicator

Step 1. Initialized.

Step 2. Error: Failed check in /home/name/public_html/shop/admin/includes/languages/english/ship_canadapost.php at line 9. This most likely means that Canada Post has changed their user interface. You need to update your Canada Post Automatic Shipping Labels module.


I have all the information that I think I need setup, I do have the Venture One account and I do have a ship online account. Where can it be going wrong? What can I do to try to resolve this?


Any help is appreciated


I'm getting the same here, I'm on Godaddy and the Step 2 is the only problem.. Godaddy seems to have open port 30000 as I can get my price and orders done than when I want a label I get


ep 1. Initialized.

Step 2. Error: Failed check in /home/content/I/c/e/Ice/html/reserved/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/ship_canadapost.php at line 9. This most likely means that Canada Post has changed their user interface. You need to update your Canada Post Automatic Shipping Labels module.


So, out of date? godaddy? My info aren't complete? (no Visa on account yet)

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With debug:




HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

Date: Sat, 07 Mar 2009 17:49:30 GMT

Content-Length: 82

Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=7vgMJyzKG22Vw1rvZjNGRZJy1tkvWrRVTFHVTGN592tNQQ9ypppx!-2110834138; path=/

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store



<form name=Login action="/sso/login.jsp?~language=EN" method=POST>


Step 2. Error: Failed check in /home/content/I/c/e/Icegecko/html/reserved/catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/ship_canadapost.php at line 10. This most likely means that Canada Post has changed their user interface. You need to update your Canada Post Automatic Shipping Labels module.

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found the error, it was the cookie directory not set, but it's not written anywhere.


I think some cleaning is due for the install file.htm and some code posted here that aren't included in the last version.

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Hi Guys.. its been a while since ive been here... I havent had time to work on this mod for quite some time..but my thanks go out to everyone who has provided support.. Yes the install file is missing some information when it comes to the cookie file.. it does need to be set correctly.. the mod has been locked down.. but im going to open it up right now.. so whoever knows whats missing and what needs to be updated in the install file.. if you have the time .. you are more than welcome to update the info and upload the changes..



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  • 4 weeks later...



Is it possible to extract and use just the Canada Post Automatic Labels part of the contribution?

I only have 1 kinds of product so shipping is same for everyone so I do not have to get realtime shipping quote.

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Have Canada Post Shipping module 4.0 up and running fine. I also installed automated labels. I get the auomated labels screen but when i click submit, nothing happens and also cannot customize value and weight. Has this happened to anyone?

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Is it possible to extract and use just the Canada Post Automatic Labels part of the contribution?

I only have 1 kinds of product so shipping is same for everyone so I do not have to get realtime shipping quote.

Sure, just use the original contribution (which is still maintained):



Unfortunately the author of the "2.0" contribution decided to bind two different contributions (Canada Post Shipping & Canada Post Automated Labels) into one single mod, splitting the development and resulting in an unmaintainable mess. It would be much more logical to keep them separate and developing at their individual paces.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi folks,


I've run into the same problem twice now with this add-on, and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong -- or, unfortunately, how to fix the mistake after the fact, without re-loading the whole application. (Re-uploading the originals of the altered files, for some reason, doesn't fix it...) Essentially, I'm losing the "Install" key / panel when I go into Admin - Modules - Shipping (it's there for the other modules still, just not shipping).


I upload the new files -- everything is fine.

I run the command on the database -- everything is fine

I edit and upload the files in the "automated labels" section of the documentation -- everything is fine

I edit and upload the files in the "shipping module" section of the documentation -- "install" key disappears

I upload the backed-up original versions of those files -- "install" key still missing


***I re-upload the entire site from my back-up -- "install" key still missing!***


Any ideas?!?


I'm tempted to just go live without the shipping module and add it later -- but since I can't even restore from backup at the moment, I don't want to lose months of work down the road.




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Well, I re-installed and tried doing the changes step-by-step, checking for the "install" button each time.


It seemed to disappear after the following step from the documentation: Editing catalog/admin/categories.php, going down to the replace around line 298.


The "replace" code was:


tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " (products_quantity, products_model, products_image, products_price, products_date_added, products_date_available, products_weight, products_dim_type, products_weight_type, products_length, products_width, products_height, products_ready_to_ship, products_status, products_tax_class_id, manufacturers_id) values ('" . tep_db_input($product['products_quantity']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_model']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_image']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_price']) . "',  now(), '" . tep_db_input($product['products_date_available']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_weight']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_length']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_width']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_height']) . "', '" . tep_db_input($product['products_ready_to_ship']) . "', '0', '" . (int)$product['products_tax_class_id'] . "', '" . (int)$product['manufacturers_id'] . "')");


The items "products_dim_type" and "products_weight_type" seemed to be causing the problem. When I deleted them, but replaced the rest of the code "as is", the "install" button and info panel on the shipping modules remained intact.


So... I've got the info panel back, but... Have I just deleted part of the code that is essential for this shipping module to work?!?





Hi folks,


I've run into the same problem twice now with this add-on, and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong -- or, unfortunately, how to fix the mistake after the fact, without re-loading the whole application. (Re-uploading the originals of the altered files, for some reason, doesn't fix it...) Essentially, I'm losing the "Install" key / panel when I go into Admin - Modules - Shipping (it's there for the other modules still, just not shipping).


I upload the new files -- everything is fine.

I run the command on the database -- everything is fine

I edit and upload the files in the "automated labels" section of the documentation -- everything is fine

I edit and upload the files in the "shipping module" section of the documentation -- "install" key disappears

I upload the backed-up original versions of those files -- "install" key still missing


***I re-upload the entire site from my back-up -- "install" key still missing!***


Any ideas?!?


I'm tempted to just go live without the shipping module and add it later -- but since I can't even restore from backup at the moment, I don't want to lose months of work down the road.




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Is it just me or has the new Canada post site caused this contribution to go down or your sites also ??

Yep, they changed the login page a little bit. I had to use my PayPal shipping module today to ship via Canada Post :/

Need to fix steps 1 & 2. Just a bit busy today with other things.

Edited by natrium42
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I hope you will have time to post a fix for the new login. After using your label generator for so long I forgot how long it takes to do it manually.



Well it makes us appreciate it even more!!!!


Has I have told Alexei in the past, this is the most usefull tool on my store. Hint to everyone using it, a little 20$ donation to the supporters is well deserved. Saves me hours a week in label generation. :thumbsup:

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I paid a programmer to install this for me but she is very ill now and not available to help me debug what is still wrong.


  • the host has opened the port 30000 which led to a new error related to CPC id
  • then we figured out that we had the wrong id number in so I fixed that and added that id to line 143 in includes/modules/shipping/canadapost.php
  • now I have a xml parsing error


Any help you could give would be really appreciated.

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