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Images only appear on certain pages, gone on others


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Hi all. I created a fixed-width OSC cart housed in a DIV set to 900 pixels wide. There is a vertically-tiling background image that fills the DIV. On top of that is another DIV that contains the cart, set to 850 pixels wide. As you can tell, the purpose is for the background image to peek out from behind the top content.


Here's the problem:


I created the header in a table and plugged it into a DIV tag in the header.php file, closing the DIV tags in footer.php. The site looks pretty good (just started developing it) for now but whenever I click off the main (index) page, all the images I've uploaded disappear, including the background and header contents.


On a page that the images show up on, I right click, get the properties from any image and find the correct URL...i.e., http://www.mysite.com/images/picture_I'm_looking_for.jpg. However, when I click off that page, the images disappear and right clicking on where they should be (little red x's) gives me a different pointer, I don't recall it off-hand but it was securesql.someting or other.com.


Question is, is there another location in OSC aside from or in lieu of the header that the reoccuring header files need to be placed?


Thank you in advance.


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