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Securing My Admin Folder

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OK - I have been on this for way too many hours now. This .htaccess file is just way too simple to not work. Is there some conflict in oscomerce that wont allow this directory to be secure? It would seem to me that after all the wonderful international collaberation that has gone into the developement of OSC, you would think that by now the security of the brand would be just as important if not most important than the functionality.


I see posting after posting of all the problems with securing the admin folder yet none of these posts give the diffinitive answer on the topic.


HAS ANYONE ACTUALLY SECURED THEIR ADMIN FOLDER? Obviously someone has but its not clear.


Even my ISP doesnt know why I cant make the .htaccess function properly. I have tried numerous .htaccess generators and all have failed to allow me password protected access to my admin folder.







My ISP doesnt want to be very helpful because this means when I am up and running I will downgrade my hosting plan and they loose $20 per month when I do.


I have generated the .htaccess and .htpasswd files and uploaded them to the admin folder and it wont allow me to access the folder all together. I am thinking the "Path to your protected directory from your site's root" that my ISP gave me is not correct. Here is the path they gave me: /home/indians/www/catalog/admin


Does anyone have a solution? Here is my store http://www.indians.org/catalog/


Thanks, Michael

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I got it... The .htaccess generator was not working correctly...


Here is a working generator:




Make sure the path to your root is correct. Both the .htaccess & .htpasswd need to sit in the admin folder.


Good Luck to all,



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