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The e-commerce.

General Questions, please help I'm a computer dummy


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I am opening an online store and have just purchased an oscommerce template. As I don't have it hooked up to the web server yet, I'm not sure what I can actually control in the admin, oscommerce admin is currently down for the demo. Here are my questions


1. On the homepage I have a featured products which display 3, can I switch this to display 6 in admin or is this done through my web designer


2. Same question for my actually products it displays 3 products on a page then you have to turn to page 2 and so on to see 3 more. Can I change this to display 12 products at a time through admin?


3. I also want to use VersaPay as my gateway/merchant, can I use oscommerce with them?


4. Can I add a gift certificate/coupon code to my checkout


5. Can you link oscommerce to any accounting software like Quickbooks


6. Last but not least, does oscommerce send a confirmation email to myself and the buyer when a compelted purchase is done? Is this edited through admin?


Thanks, I know I'm dumb....


Jeff F

Xsupplements :thumbsup:

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Why are you not asking the guy you are paying this? surely he/she should know this?

You not dumb just coz you do not know!

Q 1& 2 As it is a template it needs to be a question you ask them

3 VersaPay is not standard OSC payment method, though there may be a addon for it.

4 But Gift cert is an add on you can install,

5 Not sure

6 You can set OSC to send you mails yes



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