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Cronjob to update currencies regularly


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Hi there!


I have just attempted to set up my first cronjob to update currencies regularly through CPanel and have received the following error message:


/bin/sh: line 1: php/http://www.riversliving.com/catalog/admin/update_currencies.php: No such file or directory


Is someone able to tell me how to now edit the cronjob through CPanel and what the script should be?


Ive tried googling the problem but just can't get my head around all the technical jargon they use.


Thanks for you help,



Hi there!


I have just attempted to set up my first cronjob to update currencies regularly through CPanel and have received the following error message:


/bin/sh: line 1: php/http://www.riversliving.com/catalog/admin/update_currencies.php: No such file or directory


Is someone able to tell me how to now edit the cronjob through CPanel and what the script should be?


Ive tried googling the problem but just can't get my head around all the technical jargon they use.


Thanks for you help,



Have a look at the currency updater contributions.


crons are executed to some extent depending on server permissions and setting.


The best bet is to ask Your hosting company.

They will support You with exact solution.




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Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.

Have a look at the currency updater contributions.



I've already added the Currency Updater Contribution, but from what I can understand from what I've read, to get the currencies to update every few days, you have to set up a cronjob.


This is the error message I'm now getting from the cronjob daemon:


/bin/sh: line 1: /usr/local/bin/php/home/riversli/public_html/catalog/admin/update_currencies.php/usr/local/bin/php: Not a directory


Anyone know how to fix this?



crons are executed to some extent depending on server permissions and setting.


The best bet is to ask Your hosting company.

They will support You with exact solution.



Thanx Satish,


I'm in contact with them but the path they gave me to try last time brought up the following error message:

/bin/sh: line 1: /usr/local/bin/php/home/riversli/public_html/catalog/admin/update_currencies.php/usr/local/bin/php: Not a directory


I've asked them for help again. Hopefully they'll have the answers.


admin is password protected os cron probably will not get executed.

Place the script in user section and set thru cron and chek.



Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.

admin is password protected os cron probably will not get executed.

Place the script in user section and set thru cron and chek.



Thanx for that. I'm sorry I don't understand where I have to place the script. What is the user section?




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