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Block certain Products from certain Countries


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Is there a way to Block certain Products from being shipped to certain Countries?


I am making a Store for a Book publisher. They have the legal permission to sell most books in most countries. However, certain combinations are not allowed for copyright reasons. For example, Book A cannot be shipped to Country X.


Probably, an error message would state that Book A needed to be removed from the shopping cart, and remove it from the shopping cart, upon discovery of an incompatible Product/ Country combination when the customer entered their Shipping country upon checkout. But I am not exactly sure.


Does anyone know of a module that does this? Or something similar to this? Thanks!


Ps- I am thinking of making a module if none exists...

And also this is my first posting to the oscommerce community so I hope it goes well. (Newbie to oscommerce but not to PHP/mySQL/web development). Thanks.

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just thought of a possible solution, could anyone help me out?


is there a way to have different shipping Rates to different geographical zones? for example 5.00 to ship to Country X, 10.00 to ship to country Y, etc.?


perhaps if there is, i could modify that rather than starting from scratch if i need to make the module to Restrict certain Items from being delivered to specific Countries?

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