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Cache on categories dissapear


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  • 5 weeks later...
When I activate caches, my categories (Great categories module) disappears.
I have no clue why your categories disappear, but whenever I activate cache control(using my godaddy dedicated IP) I get somebody elses categories menu(products from a completly different store - plus all the links, link to that store too!)


I have never had this issue using different servers but as soon as I disable cache control all of my categories and products come back????

Anybody have any ideas? :huh:

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I get somebody elses categories menu

1. I Turned Cache Control to ON

2. I changed '/tmp/'(no such directory) to 'cache/' notice how the '/' is only placed after the folder name(it is the ONLY way it will work).

3. I made a new 'cache' folder under my catalog folder (catalog/cache/)

4. I set permisisions to CMOD '755'

Cache information started pouring into the new 'cache' folder after it reset and about 10 minutes.

My category caching issues are over :thumbsup:

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