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Broken Links in Product Page Descriptions


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Could someone look at the links in the body of this page and tell me where I should start to look to resolve this problem? They worked when set up, don't know why they don't now. Started looking at my site when my google standings went way down. Thanks for any help!






Purpose Benefits so on across the whole line of links


Back to Top (should bring you back to the top of the current page)


All Links in the Companion Products Table


All Links in the Alternative Brands Table


Share Links with Us


Could I have deleted a file?


will be gone til 9 pm est tonight


Thanks in Advance!

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Well your anchor text is misdirecting you


for example this page URL is




if you hover over the link for "purpose" you can see the URL generated is




Which is why it isnt working


it needs to be:




copy this URL and you can see it will work



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This is the HTML:


<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=543 border=0>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><A href="#purpose"><FONT size=2>Purpose</FONT></A></DIV></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><A href="#benefits"><FONT size=2>Benefits</FONT></A></DIV></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><A href="#ingredients"><FONT size=2>Active<BR>Ingredients</FONT></A></DIV></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><A href="#directions"><FONT size=2>Directions</FONT></A></DIV></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc><A href="#results"><FONT size=2>Results</FONT></A></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc><A href="#alternatives"><FONT size=2>Companion<BR>Products</FONT></A></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc><A href="#alternatives"><FONT size=2>Alternative<BR>Brands</FONT></A></TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc><A href="#links"><FONT size=2>Comments<BR>& Links</FONT></A></TD></TR></TABLE>

But this is what's happening.


Take for instance the first link #purpose


If you click it, the link is this in the browser:



osC uses this code at the very top:


<base href="http://www.dermessentials.net/store/">

So your browser takes any link that doesn't start with http:// (or https://) and adds the value of <base href=".."> to the beginning.


So your


<A href="#purpose">




That's the value of <base href=".."> with #purpose added to the end.


You can't get rid of the <base href=".."> because that's fundmental to the operation of osC.


The solution is this:


Add the page URL to the beginning of the anchor name tag, something like this:



Example below (click it):




Then code then becomes something like this:


<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=543 border=0>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#purpose' , $request_type) . '">Purpose</a></DIV></TD>';?>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#benefits' , $request_type) . '">Benefits</a></DIV></TD>';?>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#ingredients' , $request_type) . '">Active<BR>Ingredients</a></DIV></TD>';?>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<DIV align=center><a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#directions' , $request_type) . '">Directions</a></DIV></TD>';?>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#results' , $request_type) . '">Results</a></DIV></TD>';?>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#alternatives' , $request_type) . '">Companion<BR>Products</a></DIV></TD>';?>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#alternatives' , $request_type) . '">Alternative<BR>Brands</a></DIV></TD>';?>
<TD bgColor=#ffffcc>
<a style="font size:2" href="<?php echo tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF),'cPath=' . $cPath . '&products_id= ' . $products_id . '#links' , $request_type) . '">Comments<BR>& Links</a></DIV></TD>';?>

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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These are the only 2 product_info.php files I can find.





$Id: product_info.php,v 1.2 2004/03/05 00:36:42 ccwjr Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



define('TEXT_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND', 'Product not found!');

define('TEXT_CURRENT_REVIEWS', 'Current Reviews:');

define('TEXT_MORE_INFORMATION', 'For more information, please visit this products <a href="%s" target="_blank"><u>webpage</u></a>.');

define('TEXT_DATE_ADDED', 'This product was added to our catalog on %s.');

define('TEXT_DATE_AVAILABLE', '<font color="#ff0000">This product will be in stock on %s.</font>');

define('TEXT_ALSO_PURCHASED_PRODUCTS', 'Customers who bought this product also purchased');

define('TEXT_PRODUCT_OPTIONS', 'Available Options:');

define('TEXT_CLICK_TO_ENLARGE', 'Click to enlarge');

define('TEXT_XSELL_PRODUCTS', 'We Also Recommend :');

define('TEXT_NO_MOPICS', 'Coming soon!');







$Id: product_info.php,v 2004/03/04 23:38:02 ccwjr Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License





require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO);


$product_check_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as total from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_status = '1' and p.products_id = '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and pd.products_id = p.products_id and pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'");

$product_check = tep_db_fetch_array($product_check_query);



$javascript = 'popup_window.js';




require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php');


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