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[Contribution] STS v4


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Hmm... ok. I did this last night and mine were there.

Maby you should try to upload just the files under admin once again?


I'm sorry but I'm not good at this at all. If it was me I would try to upload them once again.


Hope someone else can help you more.




Jessica Fuchs

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Hi. This question is about my STS 4.5.2 with UltraPics.


I want to use STS to change the layout of my Product Info page, while having UltraPics additional images appear below; but when I add the following suggested code (rigadin2, May 10 2006) to the includes/sts_inc/product_info.php file and place $ultrapics in my Product Info content template, the additional images don't appear (but my other STS template customizations do):


ob_start(); include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'additional_images.php') ; $template_pinfo['ultrapics']= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();


UltraPics does work well with STS when I put the $content placeholder in my default template -- even the additional image popups work, thanks to Iggy's recent post with STS/UltraPics popup_image.php instructions -- it's just the product_info.php part of the equation I'm having problems with.


My own eyes are glazing over as I type this, hope it makes sense. Thanks.

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OK guys. this is probably the stupidest question ever on here.


My catalog seems to be working fine but when I hit "top" on my breadcrumbs it takes me to http://localhost/xampp/.


I suppose I am not really understnding how index.php reads my template, especially sicne my template is in the catalog. is this a case of my templates not being recognized?


If I've been working all this time on my template which is index.php.html, how do I get those two to, ya know, talk?


Technology is neat but I miss the days when I was supersmart for being able to code html, seriously, sometimes.


This is not a STS issue but rather how your have your osC coded.

Take a look at the following FAQ on the Breadcrumb "Top" menu item:




Please let me know if this was useful,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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This is not a STS issue but rather how your have your osC coded.

Take a look at the following FAQ on the Breadcrumb "Top" menu item:




Please let me know if this was useful,


The above link will give an example that does not keep the session ID.

The offending code is in includes/application_top.php about line 466 where tep_href_link is not called for HEADER_TITLE_TOP. If you do not want people to lose their cart when they click on the "Top" link then the code should read:


$breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT));


Or just comment it out if you don't want a (Top) home link.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Could someone go through how to add new ccs classes to an STS based page.


It is simple enough to add them to the stylesheet, but to have osc define*/recognize them is evading me.


For instance, I want $breadcrumbs to appear below the header navigation at the top of the product listing and attach the class .breadcrumbs to it.



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I just installed version 4 and I'm getting this error message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/tksco3/public_html/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 78


Any ideas? It's coming from this new line of code:

// START STS v4.4:

global $sts;

$sts->image($src); // Take image from template folder if exists.

// END STS v4.4

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I just installed version 4 and I'm getting this error message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/tksco3/public_html/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 78


Any ideas? It's coming from this new line of code:

// START STS v4.4:

global $sts;

$sts->image($src); // Take image from template folder if exists.

// END STS v4.4

You are experiencing a bug in version 4.4. You would have saved yourself some grief (and possibly time) just by searching this thread (about 10 posts up on this same page).


Note: It would be best for you to upgrade to the latest 4.5.2 version of STS.


Hope this helped,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I had STS v4 installed to my site and I believe it is a successful install.


I went to my admin->modules-STS and set the default module to true. Then using my FTP program I downloaded all files. I opened the sts_templates.html from the test folder and edited the text using the HTML Kit. I then saved it and uploaded to my site. The text did appear just the way I wanted it to. But when I clicked on any of the categories it did not take me to the products in that category but to the same text as on the first page. So I tried the same thing using the sts_templates.html for the full folder and went into my admin and changed from test to full. I had the same results. I guess I am confused and am missing something in the forums or the doc file.


Before I made any changes this morning I made a backup of all my files (YAY ME) so I restored them, in case I deleted something important. I went back into my admin and under modules, clicked on STS and then went to default and clicked edit and here I set


Use Templates? True

Template Folder ~ Full


Then I clicked update and went back to my site and it does change but when I click on any of the categories, there are no products and still looks like the index.php. The same thing when I click on shipping or contact us.


I ended up setting the default module back to false so that the site is veiwable for now.

I am obviously not reading something correctly. I think maybe in the How to use STS doc where it said Simple, One Page Template confused me. Lol



Please set me straight

Thank you for any help that you can give me




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I had STS v4 installed to my site and I believe it is a successful install.


I went to my admin->modules-STS and set the default module to true. Then using my FTP program I downloaded all files. I opened the sts_templates.html from the test folder and edited the text using the HTML Kit. I then saved it and uploaded to my site. The text did appear just the way I wanted it to. But when I clicked on any of the categories it did not take me to the products in that category but to the same text as on the first page. So I tried the same thing using the sts_templates.html for the full folder and went into my admin and changed from test to full. I had the same results. I guess I am confused and am missing something in the forums or the doc file.


Before I made any changes this morning I made a backup of all my files (YAY ME) so I restored them, in case I deleted something important. I went back into my admin and under modules, clicked on STS and then went to default and clicked edit and here I set


Use Templates? True

Template Folder ~ Full


Then I clicked update and went back to my site and it does change but when I click on any of the categories, there are no products and still looks like the index.php. The same thing when I click on shipping or contact us.


I ended up setting the default module back to false so that the site is veiwable for now.

I am obviously not reading something correctly. I think maybe in the How to use STS doc where it said Simple, One Page Template confused me. Lol



Please set me straight

Thank you for any help that you can give me




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I have a site I created a template for: Purposeful Intention


Two problems:


1. When I add something to a cart, it shows up in the shopping cart module. However when I click on that module, it goes to the product and acts like I need to add it to the cart. Is this as designed? If I click above on My Cart, the cart is working fine.


2. On the front page, I have a $content tag. New Products for April is listed twice in the header and I'm not sure how to edit/fix this.





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I have a site I created a template for: Purposeful Intention


Two problems:


1. When I add something to a cart, it shows up in the shopping cart module. However when I click on that module, it goes to the product and acts like I need to add it to the cart. Is this as designed? If I click above on My Cart, the cart is working fine.


2. On the front page, I have a $content tag. New Products for April is listed twice in the header and I'm not sure how to edit/fix this.






One more issue which I think is STS related:

3. My images don't show with my Anti Robot contribution. I think this is an STS issue because I have edited the \includes\functions\html_output with the STS4.4 code. The thread on the AR contrib states that if that function is modified, it might break. My guess is other people use both contribs so I'm wondering how to work this out.

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I have a site I created a template for: Purposeful Intention


Two problems:


1. When I add something to a cart, it shows up in the shopping cart module. However when I click on that module, it goes to the product and acts like I need to add it to the cart. Is this as designed? If I click above on My Cart, the cart is working fine.


2. On the front page, I have a $content tag. New Products for April is listed twice in the header and I'm not sure how to edit/fix this.






One more issue which I think is STS related:

3. My images don't show with my Anti Robot contribution. I think this is an STS issue because I have edited the \includes\functions\html_output with the STS4.4 code. The thread on the AR contrib states that if that function is modified, it might break. My guess is other people use both contribs so I'm wondering how to work this out.

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Hi - I just downloaded and installed v4.5 on a fresh install of osCommerce2.2 - so I just copied the files directly over the old ones. But now, for some reason I cannot enable the default template in the osC admin. I set the "Use templates..." to true and click update and when the page refreshes I notice that it is now set on false. Any idea of why this is happening and how I could possibly fix it? Thanks! - Great contrib... :)

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Hi, I need your help....

I get an eror massage on my index page , this is the only thing displayed:




Unable to determine the page link!


As far as i know i did not change a thing and suddenly this eror appers...

(It looks like it is trying to load the language box although i'm not using it)

When I turn off the STS the Osscomerce default index displays with the same eror on the bottom of the page.



Edited by sefimor
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How hard is it to take a template bought online and work it with STS?


Simple as installing STS, and copying the includes files(app_top,bottom,header,footer...)into the sts folder?





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P.S. As it was a fresh install of the OSC, I just replaced all the files from the "modified_files" and "new_files" folders into the appropriate places.





Edited by Sardonic76
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I just did a fresh install of OSC and added this contrib.

I did this twice (uninstalled OSC and started over).

Both times I am getting an error. Please take a look:



Any idea why this warning/error comes up?


Please help!




Creat a tmp directoy fold in the catalog file then

go into the admin section of your website: http://www.dory.gr/admin/index.php


Click on top left link : BOX_HEADING_CONFIGURATION

then click on : sessions and take out the / around tmp also do this in the cache it sholud take care of your problem.


BTW-- I used my own admin to give you direction. I had this same problem



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Hi - I just downloaded and installed v4.5 on a fresh install of osCommerce2.2 - so I just copied the files directly over the old ones. But now, for some reason I cannot enable the default template in the osC admin. I set the "Use templates..." to true and click update and when the page refreshes I notice that it is now set on false. Any idea of why this is happening and how I could possibly fix it? Thanks! - Great contrib... :)

See the following post on this problem and fix:


Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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How hard is it to take a template bought online and work it with STS?


Simple as installing STS, and copying the includes files(app_top,bottom,header,footer...)into the sts folder?





*STS Tip*

How to integrate a purchased template to STS:


To make an STS template out of a purchased osCommerce template,

  1. Install the store in a test directory
  2. Open the store in your browser
  3. View the Source Code and Save the html code to your computer
  4. Use this html code as default template and start replacing the different elements with their corresponding STS Tag
  5. Use the boxes class (includes/classes/boxes.php) from the template you bought
  6. Modify the external stylesheet from the purchased template to your needs (if needed)
  7. The above should get you started in the right direction

When buying a store with contributions already installed, be aware that it does not include BTS (Basic Template System) as it is totally incompatible with STS.


Hope this helped,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I just did a fresh install of OSC and added this contrib.

I did this twice (uninstalled OSC and started over).

Both times I am getting an error. Please take a look:



Any idea why this warning/error comes up?


Please help!



Dory, are you saving your sessions to a file or to your database? Saving to the database is a much more optimized way of dealing with sessions. Change the last line in both of your configure.php files so that they reflect using mysql to store your sessions.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Hi, I need your help....

I get an eror massage on my index page , this is the only thing displayed:




Unable to determine the page link!


As far as i know i did not change a thing and suddenly this eror appers...

(It looks like it is trying to load the language box although i'm not using it)

When I turn off the STS the Osscomerce default index displays with the same eror on the bottom of the page.



Check to see if you have Search Engine Friendly URLS (still in development) set to TRUE. If so, change it to FALSE.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Does anyone know or have a clue of why I get this meassege when I click on "my acocunt"??



Template file does not exist: [catalog/includes/sts_templates/full/sts_template.html] Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hsphere/local/home/ackispac/rcmaffian.se/oscommerce_st/catalog/includes/classes/sts.php:156) in /hsphere/local/home/ackispac/rcmaffian.se/oscommerce_st/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29




Maby I should meantioned that I've recently installed STS v4.5.2. I haven't done any modifications yet because I wanted to see if everything was ok first.




Jessica Fuchs

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