Guest Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 It seems that the custom images feature added in v4.4 is sometimes buggy, so modifications in html_output.php should not be done unless you want to make some debug. If somebody with the image bug could place this code at the beginning of tep_image function, instead of the original STS code, and post the result here, it would help us a lot: // START STS v4.4: global $sts; if (is_object($sts)) $sts->image($src); // Take image from template folder if exists. else die (var_dump(debug_backtrace())); // END STS v4.4 Thanks, Rigadin Hi, Maybe this already been answered too but anyway it was too many pages to look into and i didnt't find any posts when i searched but anyway i managed to get id of this problem. I traced it to be a problem with $messageStack which holds all messages but just sometimes this error shows up what i did was a simple change in catalog/includes/application_top.php Find this // initialize the message stack for output messages require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'message_stack.php'); $messageStack = new messageStack; And move it below this: // START STS 4.1 require (DIR_WS_CLASSES.'sts.php'); $sts = new sts(); $sts->start_capture(); // END STS 4.1 Usually in the bottom before the last ?> i hope this solves the problem for all of you. Quote
Guest Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 I installed a clean OScommerce MS2 with this contrib, I also added googlesitemap generator but that did not change any of the files you had... My only problem is that when I am in the admin panel I am getting warnings on the following pages: Page control says: Permissions settings for the /catalog/includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect Permissions settings for the /catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect Both of these are set to 777, I have also tried 755 but warnings still appear. Also get this warning on text control: Permissions settings for the /catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect The header tags are not working completely but I am getting some of it to work. You can view my site at I am using a template I bought and then modified to suit my needs. Any suggestions on what I may have done wrong? Thanks for the help. Pattie Quote
TracyS Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Quick question (hopefully easy to answer) :huh: I have Discount Coupon Codes installed (among other contribs) and I've found that the error messages for the coupons are not being displayed on the checkout_payment.php page. I've found some older posts regarding this - but the code they say to tweak doesn't seem to exist in my version of STS (4.2) Any ideas on what I should tweak and where? :blush: Quote ~Tracy
lisk Posted February 14, 2007 Posted February 14, 2007 Okay I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I installed STS and everything was moving along fine, and then I hit a wall and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. All I want to do is change the font size/color of the links on the boxes on the left side and I've tried stylesheets and plain HTML in both the main template and the files in the boxes folders and nothing is working. Someone please help me before I throw my computer off a cliff. Here's the site: Quote
rumi Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 Okay I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I installed STS and everything was moving along fine, and then I hit a wall and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. All I want to do is change the font size/color of the links on the boxes on the left side and I've tried stylesheets and plain HTML in both the main template and the files in the boxes folders and nothing is working. Someone please help me before I throw my computer off a cliff. Here's the site: Did you try these styles in the stylesheet? Quote
rumi Posted February 15, 2007 Posted February 15, 2007 Okay I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I installed STS and everything was moving along fine, and then I hit a wall and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. All I want to do is change the font size/color of the links on the boxes on the left side and I've tried stylesheets and plain HTML in both the main template and the files in the boxes folders and nothing is working. Someone please help me before I throw my computer off a cliff. Here's the site: Sorry about that. These tags are the ones I changed to style my boxes. catalog/stylesheet .infoBox { background: #999; } .infoBoxContents { background: #999; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; text-align: center; } .infoBoxNotice { background: #999; } .infoBoxNoticeContents { background: #fff; font-family: monospace, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; } TD.infoBoxHeading { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; background: #999; color: #fff; text-align: center; } TD.infoBox, SPAN.infoBox { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; background: #fff; color: #666; } Quote
kingcasi Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 HI Guys, thx for this feature. However i have some problems. After the installation over a clean OSC i do not find a module "sts". I checked the files which one can change manually. but all modifies files are changed already. The Forntend (Online-catalog) show an error-message: Fatal error: Call to a member function image() on a non-object in /www/htdocs/w007f311/catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 78 What did i do wrong??? kind regards cd Quote
mc38 Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 maybe it's not picking up the correct css file? - go to and look at what's in there - it's not what you changed it to... Sorry about that. These tags are the ones I changed to style my boxes. catalog/stylesheet .infoBox { background: #999; } .infoBoxContents { background: #999; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; text-align: center; } .infoBoxNotice { background: #999; } .infoBoxNoticeContents { background: #fff; font-family: monospace, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; } TD.infoBoxHeading { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; background: #999; color: #fff; text-align: center; } TD.infoBox, SPAN.infoBox { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; background: #fff; color: #666; } Quote
bjorny Posted February 16, 2007 Posted February 16, 2007 Hello! I'm using STS v4 and it's working great, I have a little problem though. In the infoboxes, there are a lot of table (tr, td etc.) tags that mess things up. Can anyone tell me the origin of this code so I can get rid off it? Maybe it's not that simple? I can't customize the headers properly because of this. This may have been answered somewhere else but I've tried searching the forums and read through this entire thread with no luck. Any help would be appreciated! Quote
bkellum Posted February 17, 2007 Posted February 17, 2007 HI Guys,thx for this feature. However i have some problems. After the installation over a clean OSC i do not find a module "sts". I checked the files which one can change manually. but all modifies files are changed already. The Forntend (Online-catalog) show an error-message: Fatal error: Call to a member function image() on a non-object in /www/htdocs/w007f311/catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 78 What did i do wrong??? kind regards cd See post 1507 on page 76 of this forum. Quote Bill Kellum Sounds Good Productions STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE
bjorny Posted February 17, 2007 Posted February 17, 2007 (edited) I've been messing around with this some more... I've deleted pretty much all the table related entries in the 'catalog/includes/classes/boxes.php' file. This resulted in a table free infobox output (the only tables on my page are the ones I've defined in my template infobox files). I realize this is not the proper way of doing this, I'm just experimenting. There is some code left in there that generates an image (I believe it's the transparent spacing pixel image) and I don't understand how to get rid of it. Also there is the <tr> and <td> tags before the infobox and </tr> </td> tags after that I believe come from the 'catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php'. I don't see the point of having all this extra table data, why can't the output just be the table data I define in my infobox template file? If the $headertext only generated just that (the header text) without any extra table data it would be a lot easier to manage, right? This would also make it a lot easier to use <div> tags instead of using tables. Once again, thanks for a great plugin! Edited February 17, 2007 by bjorny Quote
star8 Posted February 17, 2007 Posted February 17, 2007 I installed a clean OScommerce MS2 with this contrib, I also added googlesitemap generator but that did not change any of the files you had...My only problem is that when I am in the admin panel I am getting warnings on the following pages: Page control says: Permissions settings for the /catalog/includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect Permissions settings for the /catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect Both of these are set to 777, I have also tried 755 but warnings still appear. Also get this warning on text control: Permissions settings for the /catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect The header tags are not working completely but I am getting some of it to work. You can view my site at I am using a template I bought and then modified to suit my needs. Any suggestions on what I may have done wrong? Thanks for the help. Pattie HI Pattie! I have the same permission problems as you are. Hopefully somebody can help us. Fidela :blush: Quote
bjorny Posted February 17, 2007 Posted February 17, 2007 I've been looking into this a bit further and I just realized I might be able to use the 'create-your-own-variables' function to achieve what I'm after. Let's say I just want the categories header. All I'd have to do is write something like this in the sts_user_code.php file: <? php $sts->start_capture(); echo *code that generates the categories header* $sts->stop_capture('categoriesheader'); ?> I haven't been able to determine what code generates the categories header but I'm guessing it has something to do with some of these strings (taken from the 'catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php' file) $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES); new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false); correct me if I'm wrong! Quote
comdawg Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 I have a clean OSC install through the PowWeb auto installer, version 2.2+. It worked fine. I installed STS v4 by just copying over (and replacing when necessary) the proper files. I went to Admin to continue the instructions and while the front admin screen came up, no matter what I click on the page is totally blank, not even any code. The store itself comes up fine, until you click on an individual product, which is a blank page as well. Any ideas?> Quote
star8 Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 Hej! I am using STS4.4 . The part where buttons can be replaced by a specific templates (section 3.12.2) is not functioning.I loaded the files at : includes/sts_templates/[template set]/images/[language]/buttons/ . I tried changing the permissions too to 755 or 777. The pictures won't show up. It still points out to the old path: cat/inc/languages/[language]/images/buttons/. Hopefully someone can share any idea to resolce this. :blush: Fidela Quote
bkellum Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 I have a clean OSC install through the PowWeb auto installer, version 2.2+. It worked fine. I installed STS v4 by just copying over (and replacing when necessary) the proper files. I went to Admin to continue the instructions and while the front admin screen came up, no matter what I click on the page is totally blank, not even any code. The store itself comes up fine, until you click on an individual product, which is a blank page as well. Any ideas?>Hello Como, Did you happen to check to see that the original osCommerce worked before installing STS? If so, it appears you may have an issue with your configure.php file or left out some code during the STS installation. My suggestion would be to copy all of yours stores files to your PC and then use a file comparison tool such as WinMerge or Beyond Compare against all of the files in the STS contribution. It also wouldn't hurt to do a file comparison to an original osCommerce version 060817 to be sure the automatic installation installed the most recent secure version of osC. Quote Bill Kellum Sounds Good Productions STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE
bkellum Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Quick question (hopefully easy to answer) :huh: I have Discount Coupon Codes installed (among other contribs) and I've found that the error messages for the coupons are not being displayed on the checkout_payment.php page. I've found some older posts regarding this - but the code they say to tweak doesn't seem to exist in my version of STS (4.2) Any ideas on what I should tweak and where? :blush: Hey Tracy, Could you please post the suggested code changes and then maybe someone here would be able to convert it so that it would work in the newer STS versions?Also, are you using a template like "check_payment.php.html" on your site? If not, try just adding the template and see if you get the results that you are looking for. Quote Bill Kellum Sounds Good Productions STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE
bkellum Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Okay I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I installed STS and everything was moving along fine, and then I hit a wall and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. All I want to do is change the font size/color of the links on the boxes on the left side and I've tried stylesheets and plain HTML in both the main template and the files in the boxes folders and nothing is working. Someone please help me before I throw my computer off a cliff. Here's the site: Since you did not post a follow up, I'm assuming that Rumi's suggestions helped you out? Quote Bill Kellum Sounds Good Productions STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE
bkellum Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Hello Bjorny, I'm a little confused by your post. (which wouldn't be the first time I was ever confused :'( ) If you are wanting to change the look of the header and even the entire infobox, all you would need to do is create an infobox template. I'm assuming that you have the most recent STS version 4.4. Create an infobox template from one of the boxes listed in boxes folder of your osCommerce files (see the STS documentation for more info about this). In this template, you can change the infobox to anything you desire. Keep in mind that you will need to reflect the changes in the stylesheet.css file to make sure you don't have conflicting designs (one from your template and the other from the stylesheet). All rules apply regarding css, load times, etc, meaning you probably would not want to hard code inline css into the infobox template since this would add to the load time of the page. It would be better to create the new css code in the external stylesheet instead. Quote Bill Kellum Sounds Good Productions STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE
bkellum Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 (edited) Hej! I am using STS4.4 . The part where buttons can be replaced by a specific templates (section 3.12.2) is not functioning.I loaded the files at : includes/sts_templates/[template set]/images/[language]/buttons/ . I tried changing the permissions too to 755 or 777. The pictures won't show up. It still points out to the old path: cat/inc/languages/[language]/images/buttons/. Hopefully someone can share any idea to resolce this. :blush: Fidela Hi Fidela, I'm going to ask a "stupid" question...when you say you have uploaded your new buttons to "includes/sts_templates/[template set]/images/[language]/buttons/", are you using the fictual folder "[template set]" or are you inserting the actual template folder such as "full", "test" or "my_templates"? The correct path would be: "includes/sts_templates/my_templates/images/english/buttons/" for a template folder called "my_templates" and using the language "english".Check the permissions on your buttons folder as well. Edited February 19, 2007 by bkellum Quote Bill Kellum Sounds Good Productions STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE
TracyS Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Hey Tracy, Could you please post the suggested code changes and then maybe someone here would be able to convert it so that it would work in the newer STS versions?Also, are you using a template like "check_payment.php.html" on your site? If not, try just adding the template and see if you get the results that you are looking for. Hi Bill, The post I had found is located here: It tells you to modify code in your sts_display_output.php file - but that code no longer exists in that file (as far as I can tell) in v4.2 No - I am not using specific templates for the checkout pages - so I'm guessing they are governed by the index template currently. Do I have to create a template for the checkout pages or should I be able to display the error messages without doing that? I will double check the manual - but I don't remember off the top of my head, so in case you see this before I find it in the manual - is there a name to save a template as that will have it govern all checkout_* pages or do I have to create one for each checkout_*page individually? Thank you! Quote ~Tracy
rumi Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 In the documentation (for STSv4.4) it says, concerning the creation of templates for each manufacturer, "The logic to find the template is made in the "Index" module, so it must be enabled from the admin side" and "When configuring the "Index" module, you have to give the list of files to include in order creating all the needed variables, in the same way as for the "Default" module". Im confused by this. Does "give the list of files to include IN ORDER" mean I add index.php.html manufacturers_id=4 in admin (under index module) after my index.php_0.html entry (I have a separate front page)? What I want is a unique header, footer, body, buttons, etc. for each manufacturer. I read this is possible by my small mind isnt grasping exactly how to go about achieving it! Thanks so much. Quote
star8 Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 (edited) Hi Fidela, I'm going to ask a "stupid" question...when you say you have uploaded your new buttons to "includes/sts_templates/[template set]/images/[language]/buttons/", are you using the fictual folder "[template set]" or are you inserting the actual template folder such as "full", "test" or "my_templates"? The correct path would be: "includes/sts_templates/my_templates/images/english/buttons/" for a template folder called "my_templates" and using the language "english".Check the permissions on your buttons folder as well. Hi Bill, I am inserting my own actual template folder "mypage". That means: includes/sts_templates/mypage/images/danish/buttons/. I tried setting the button folder and image files to permissions 755 or 777, but did'nt help. Any suggestions? Thanks! :blush: Fidela Edited February 19, 2007 by star8 Quote
star8 Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Hi! The permission issues on the admin side still not yet resolved even though I tried with permissions 755 and 777. HTC page control catalog/includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect HTC text control catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect HTC Fill tags: no warnings. This is from the STS4.3.2 with HTCv2.6.0. The permission already is there before I updated STS 4.3.2 to4.3..3 to STS4.4. I rechecked the codes 3 times. I noticed that that the document says that this HTC v2.6.0 is to be used with STS4.3SP1. Could it be this is the explanation of these warning signs? I dought it, coz' the permission already is there before I updated STS to STS4.4 Hopefully there is somebody there who have resolved this problem and will share it with me. Thanks! :blush: Quote
bkellum Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Hi! The permission issues on the admin side still not yet resolved even though I tried with permissions 755 and 777. HTC page control catalog/includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect HTC text control catalog/includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect HTC Fill tags: no warnings. This is from the STS4.3.2 with HTCv2.6.0. The permission already is there before I updated STS 4.3.2 to4.3..3 to STS4.4. I rechecked the codes 3 times. I noticed that that the document says that this HTC v2.6.0 is to be used with STS4.3SP1. Could it be this is the explanation of these warning signs? I dought it, coz' the permission already is there before I updated STS to STS4.4 Hopefully there is somebody there who have resolved this problem and will share it with me. Thanks! :blush: I'm not sure what would be causing your permissions issues but wanted to let you know that the bundled version of HTC will work with any STS4.x version. Check to make sure you uploaded each file in the correct folder and that you have all of the files. Use a file comparison tool to compare what you have currently in your osCommerce files to the files in the STSv4.4 & HTC 2.6.0 bundle that I sent you. Make sure nothing is missing and everything is in the right place. Then follow the instructions in the install text to set the permissions correctly. There are only two files that need permissions set in order for HTC to work properly. Quote Bill Kellum Sounds Good Productions STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE
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