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[Contribution] STS v4


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Im using modernrc2 template for STS. Now i am trying to customized the boxes. But when I select 'TRUE' in use template for infoboxes, the heading and borders of new products in the index disappear. Everything is fine except for this one. Is this normal?

I don't know the specific template you mention, but it can be that there is a template made for the new products module that appear on the front page, and this template has no border and no heading. In this case you need to change it as you like


Or, there is a general template made for all infoboxes, with no border no heading. and the new products module follow this. In this case you need to make a new one just for this module


Do all other infoboxes have borders and headings?


You can go to your template folder /boxes/ to see what templates are in there

Edited by multimixer
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I don't know the specific template you mention, but it can be that there is a template made for the new products module that appear on the front page, and this template has no border and no heading. In this case you need to change it as you like


Or, there is a general template made for all infoboxes, with no border no heading. and the new products module follow this. In this case you need to make a new one just for this module


Do all other infoboxes have borders and headings?


You can go to your template folder /boxes/ to see what templates are in there


Yep, George hit the nail on the head...thumbsup.gif

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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its a modern template for STS. If I set the 'use template for infobox to TRUE' All boxes have borders and headings except for the new_products in the index page. If FALSE, all boxes have borders and heading including the new products. I tried to duplicate one file in the templates folder/boxes to infobox_new_products_php.html and nothing seem to change in the index after pressing F5.

Edited by eleazar
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Hi everyone


I am new to OSC and STS and having problems in a simple template edition in Dreamweaver. Can anybody please give me a hand? I have installed the Simple Template System v4 to create new templates for my store but when I open any template in Dreamweaver, it comes with only the variables, not the background or colors. Am I missing something? I mean, how to edit it boxes in dreamweaver like "What You See Is What You Get"?


Look at the picture below and let me know what is going on :(










Any help is welcome

Thanks in advance



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I have installed the Simple Template System v4 to create new templates for my store but when I open any template in Dreamweaver, it comes with only the variables, not the background or colors. Am I missing something? I mean, how to edit it boxes in dreamweaver like "What You See Is What You Get"?


I don't think you are missing anything, everything looks as it should look. Maybe you had a different expectation.


It's absolutely normal to see the $tags and not the actual content, and this comes because this content is getting created dynamically, so it needs a server to be displayed, as you see it online.


The design happens on different "levels" and files:


- The "template" level, like sts_template.php.html where you can set the basic structure of the page (where should what appear) and design whatever is not already designed

- The "sub template" level, like boxes/infobox.php.html or /content/ templates where ou can do the same lets say for the infobox "specials": infobox_specials.php.html Set the structure (ie do you want a header or not?) and design what is not already designed

- The actual php file, for example contact_us.php or boxes/specials.php: Thats the place where it is set what will be displayed, for example for the box "whats_new" that there is a image, the item name and the price. This content is already designed, sometimes in the html itself, sometimes in the css

- The file stylesheet.css where all colors etc are set


What you can do now is to use the existing css classes and change them to your liking, or to make new. Depending on what you want to change, you need to do it in the right file


My suggestion is you start using the "code view" of dreamviewer instead of the "design view". Also stop the practice (that I guess you have) to make colors, backgrounds etc directly on the file like you do in a word.doc file. Start using css for this. Study one more time the sts documentation and the example templates. Also, some useful resources to read: html css

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Any help is welcome

Thanks in advance





To add to the above, I would suggest that you keep a browser window of your live site open separate from Dreamweaver and refresh it everytime you upload a new update to the site in order to view a true WYSIWYG. This is common place in PHP design work flow.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Hi, I'm totally new here and really appreciate all of your contributions, I already found a lot of answers here, but I have one more question:

Is there any way to use STS with osCommerce-3.0a5?

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Hi, I'm totally new here and really appreciate all of your contributions, I already found a lot of answers here, but I have one more question:

Is there any way to use STS with osCommerce-3.0a5?



No, osCv3 is in the beta stage (should not be used in a live setting) but it comes with a template system (difficult to say the least).

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there!


I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction on this one. I'm new to osCommerce and STS, however I've been moving right along with the wealth of information on this forum...however, I've finally hit a snag. Hours and hours of searching and tweaking and I still cannot get past this hurdle.


I've got a fresh osCommerce 2.2rc2a install with both Mindsparx Admin and the latest STS contributions installed. My template is very simple, css driven, no html.


I squealed with glee when I saw my category box populate! Success!! Hours and hours of studying, tweaking, researching (crying?) and it all comes to fruition...there is almost no greater reward. :D


But...for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get rid of the HTML formatting that either STS or osCommerce is utilizing. Namely the category name text, rounded corners, etc, etc. I've attached a photo below.




Is there a contribution perhaps that could just wipe those out for me? :D


Thanks in advance!

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But...for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to get rid of the HTML formatting that either STS or osCommerce is utilizing. Namely the category name text, rounded corners, etc, etc.


Is there a contribution perhaps that could just wipe those out for me? biggrin.gif


Thanks in advance!


I would suggest you upload this contribution to get rid of your infobox images.


Also, look in the STS User Manual in Chapter 7 on how to create a specific infobox template (2 parts, one header, one content) to allow you to create a blank header (without the $headertext tag) in order to prevent the header text from displaying in that particular infobox.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Wooohooo! Thank you, thank you and THAAAAAANK YOU! Chapter 7, how did I miss that? LOL


After so long, it all becomes a blur. ;) All I needed was to enable info boxes in admin and create infobox.php with <div class="infobox_content">$content</div>! Didn't have to mess with the other contribution. ;) Wow...it's all so clear now, HA!


Thank you very much...I'm definitely posting a donation to both STS and osCommerce!

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I am wondering if anyone could help me integrate CSS style buttons into the sts code, as i want to have css based buttons rather than the standard graphics as im trying to go to a more div/css based template style


the module is www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3365


it simply suggests:


Open the file: catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php


function tep_image_submit($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') {
  global $language;
  $image_submit = '<input type="image" src="' . tep_output_string(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/images/buttons/' . $image) . '" border="0" alt="' . tep_output_string($alt) . '"';
  if (tep_not_null($alt)) $image_submit .= ' title=" ' . tep_output_string($alt) . ' "';
  if (tep_not_null($parameters)) $image_submit .= ' ' . $parameters;
  $image_submit .= '>';
  return $image_submit;


// BEGIN: CSS Buttons Everywhere
function tep_image_submit($image, $value = '-AltValue-', $parameters = '') {
global $language;
$css_submit = '<input type="submit" class="cssButton" value="' . tep_output_string($value) . '" />';
return $css_submit;
// END: CSS Buttons Everywhere

################################### STEP 3 ###################################
In the same file... 

function tep_image_button($image, $alt = '', $parameters = '') {
  global $language;
  return tep_image(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/images/buttons/' . $image, $alt, '', '', $parameters);


// BEGIN: CSS Buttons Everywhere
function tep_image_button($image, $value = '-AltValue-', $parameters = '') {
global $language;
$image = '<div class="cssButton"> ' . tep_output_string($value) . ' </div>';
return $image;
// END: CSS Buttons Everywhere


but not real sure on the correct adjustment to replace:


global $sts;
$src = $sts->image_button($image,$language);
if ($src!='')
 $image_submit = '<input type="image" src="' . tep_output_string($src) . '" border="0" alt="' . tep_output_string($alt) . '"';


do i just turn that ability off by commenting it out and using the standard suggested code?

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actually forget my last question i found a better version of this - addons.oscommerce.com/info/7307


it works well however i need to find a way to differentiate the css styles on different buttons as i now find the lightbox click to enlarge buttons etc get replaced with the default one...


back to the drawing board :(

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I am beginning to think I'm loosing my mind - LOL :blush: I have an existing category that I re-arranged (got to be too many products so I added sub-categories). I then changed my template to call in $content (which should just show the sub category links) and $TopSellers (a 'box' I created). I did this by copying an already working template and just changing the file name to the appropriate category path and changing the text to reflect what I want on that page.


For some reason - it isn't pulling in $content or $TopSellers. I cannot find any cache anywhere on the site and I have cleared my browser cache (even re-booted my system) but for the life of me I cannot see $content or $TopSellers information on the page. I know the information to feed the $TopSellers box does exist as the "Most Popular" box on the side is populated. $content should just show the sub categories.


I have tried moving the re-arranged category to be a top category rather than a sub category - but this made no difference. It just isn't making any sense to me that it works on other category pages but won't work on this one? The other items are pulling into the template correctly - just not these two (which make up the body of the page unfortunately) - LOL


Is there something I'm missing that I'm supposed to do for each page? Did I forget a simple step that I used to know (it's been a while since I've needed to create a category page). Is there something I'm supposed to turn on somewhere for a template to work on a newly re-arranged category page? I'm just completely stumped. I can even delete the non-working category page (index.php_88_87.html in this case) and via the FTP program re-name index.php_1.html to index.php_88_87.html on the server, and it doesn't work (yet it works just fine as index.php_1.html).


Is it possibly a cache on the server that I have no control over? This would seem odd though as I do see the changes immediately that I've made to the arrangement of the sub-categories that didn't exist before tonight. Is it possible to see the changes immediately and yet not be able to access the new $content immediately?


You can see the issue in action by looking at www dot mountainmeadowherbs.com/womens-health-c-1.html vs www dot mountainmeadowherbs.com/single-herbs-teas-books-single-herbs-c-88_87.html


Oh - it doesn't seem to matter if I move the 88_87 subcategory (the one I changed) to the top level so it's just category 87. I see no difference (I do change the file name when I move the category).


Anybody have any ideas? I'm just completely stumped at this point. :(


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Hmmm - running a debug on this page www dot mountainmeadowherbs.com/single-herbs-teas-books-single-herbs-c-88_87.html?sts_debug=debug

I find the two fields I am trying to pull in look like this:




<!-- start Index content //-->
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
       <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
           <td class="pageHeading"></td>
           <td align="right"><img src="includes/sts_templates/Nature/images/trans.gif" alt=""></td>
       <td><img src="images/pixel_trans.gif" alt="" width="100%" height="10"></td>
<!-- end Index content //-->


Still not sure why they aren't pulling in the info though. Is there a way to see what code is not working right? I'm not sure it's the $content or $TopSellers code that isn't working as it works just fine on the other template pages. It's only this one template page that it isn't working on.


It does not matter if I move the sub category "Single Herbs" to be a top category. I still get nothing for $content or $TopSellers boxes. So I don't think it's a problem with it being a subcategory - though I could be wrong. It is the only subcategory I have that needs the $TopSellers box. The query is the same query used in the Best Sellers box, which is showing the top 10 products whether the Single Herbs page is a top level category page or a subcategory page, so that shouldn't be a problem.


It just gets me that it isn't working on only this one page - but works just fine on the other pages. Normally this would point to an issue with the template for this one page - but I can take a working template and just rename it and I have this same problem.


Any ideas why $content will work on one template page and not another?


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I've found part of the problem (yay)! For some reason, just having the master products in the subcategories wasn't enough to pull them for the Top Sellers query - the slaves also needed to be in the subcategories as well. So at least that section is working - now it's just figuring out why $content isn't pulling the category links.


I did clear the SEO cache - but I will try again and see if it makes any difference :)


Tracy, I would start with it being a SEO Link problem. Turn off that and then clean your cache and then see if it works or not.

Edited by TracyS


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Hi, everyone!


I've been trying to install STS V4.6_1 for hours. It all seems to go well, until I open the admin panel and click the STS link. As soon as I do, the front page breaks. If I "install" STS, the front page stays broken. Ditto if I uninstall it again...the only thing that seemed to work was dumping everything and reinstalling; and that only worked until I clicked the STS link again. :(


Any clue where I've gone wrong?

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Hi, everyone!


I've been trying to install STS V4.6_1 for hours. It all seems to go well, until I open the admin panel and click the STS link. As soon as I do, the front page breaks. If I "install" STS, the front page stays broken. Ditto if I uninstall it again...the only thing that seemed to work was dumping everything and reinstalling; and that only worked until I clicked the STS link again. sad.gif


Any clue where I've gone wrong?



STS is very easy to install; probably the most easiest of all other contributions. If you are having problems, the best way to find the cause is to purchase a good file comparison tool such as Beyond Compare (or download one of the open source equals such as WinMerge). Use this tool to compare your files that you installed with the files that came with the contribution. Compare the files from the STS folder as well as the "Files for RC2" folder.


Also, invest in a reliable FTP client software program to upload your files completely and accurately.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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LOL - Well, there must be something cached somewhere that I am not correctly "clearing" when I try as it suddenly started showing $content last night :blush:


Sorry for the panic mode posts - live and learn - LOL :blush:


I've found part of the problem (yay)! For some reason, just having the master products in the subcategories wasn't enough to pull them for the Top Sellers query - the slaves also needed to be in the subcategories as well. So at least that section is working - now it's just figuring out why $content isn't pulling the category links.


I did clear the SEO cache - but I will try again and see if it makes any difference :)


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STS is very easy to install; probably the most easiest of all other contributions. If you are having problems, the best way to find the cause is to purchase a good file comparison tool such as Beyond Compare (or download one of the open source equals such as WinMerge). Use this tool to compare your files that you installed with the files that came with the contribution. Compare the files from the STS folder as well as the "Files for RC2" folder.


Also, invest in a reliable FTP client software program to upload your files completely and accurately.



Thanks for your reply. I have a terrific FTP client, and as I said, the installation seemed to go fine. But since it's the whole front page that's broken, I thought you might have an idea which edit was giving me the trouble.

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Thanks for your reply. I have a terrific FTP client, and as I said, the installation seemed to go fine. But since it's the whole front page that's broken, I thought you might have an idea which edit was giving me the trouble.


Like I said, check your upload as you may have not uploaded ALL OF THE FILES CORRECTLY. Use a File Comparison Tool to make sure.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Please excuse my ignorance. I'm very new to all of this with less-than-limited PhP knowledge.


I installed the STA v4 as per instructions. When I go into admin to change to the different pre-installed templates, then go to the online store, the storefront remains the original oscommerce storefront rather than any of the pre-installed templates.


What have I done wrong or what step did I miss? I thought I did it step-by-step, but to err is human.


Thank you for your kind assistance.

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Please excuse my ignorance. I'm very new to all of this with less-than-limited PhP knowledge.


I installed the STA v4 as per instructions. When I go into admin to change to the different pre-installed templates, then go to the online store, the storefront remains the original oscommerce storefront rather than any of the pre-installed templates.


What have I done wrong or what step did I miss? I thought I did it step-by-step, but to err is human.


Thank you for your kind assistance.



Be sure to view each of the documents in the "docs" folder. They explain what you need to do to enable STS. Your issue may be as simple as "turning on" STS in the STS Default Module. Respond back and let me know.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I found that $content$ doesn't include category thumbnails above the product listing tables, under index.php?cPath=xxx


Did I do anything wrong?


category thumbnails above the product listing tables:osCommerce-Online-Demonstration_127.gif

Edited by jcct31996
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