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[Contribution] STS v4


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I'm actually going to have to remove this contribution until I figure this out, or someone sends me in the right direction...



I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself...


--King Crimson (“Discipline”)

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I'm actually going to have to remove this contribution until I figure this out, or someone sends me in the right direction...



Ok, I think I am on the right track... It has to do with the cache function, because if I disable the cache in the Configuration the categories appear as they should. So I didn't need to remove STS (which I love!)... :blush:


Sorry for my confusion!

I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself...


--King Crimson (“Discipline”)

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I have some truble understanding how yo use the $cat_ funktion


I have explained my problem on my site here: (site is on a VM on my laptop so it might not be available 24/7)


The $cat_ maybe isn't rely what I need. I just made a link of "category 1" if it could show up below "category 1" then it would be a step in the right direction. But for this to work i would need to move $content when I click the link.


Can someone give me some tips on what a possible solution could be?

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Very strange problem here, I cannot enable STS main module. When I click INSTALL osc does nothing

the URL is /admin/modules.php?set=sts&module=sts_default

any ideas (probably permision problems, no in database configuration ...)

Thank You in advance

There is no any error message in error log

Edited by addicted
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Getting the following error:

//START STS 4.1 define('BOX_MODULES_STS', 'STS'); //END STS 4.1 Template file does not exist: [includes/sts_templates/freeoscommerce_005/freeoscommerce_005.html] // START STS 4.1 $sts->restart_capture ('applicationtop2header'); // END STS 4.1 


I've had a look around this forum for a possible fix but nothing has worked so far...any ideas anyone?



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Very strange problem here, I cannot enable STS main module. When I click INSTALL osc does nothing

the URL is /admin/modules.php?set=sts&module=sts_default

any ideas (probably permision problems, no in database configuration ...)

Thank You in advance

There is no any error message in error log



What version of osC are you using? There was a bug in the module refresh setting in older versions of osC.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Getting the following error:

//START STS 4.1 define('BOX_MODULES_STS', 'STS'); //END STS 4.1 Template file does not exist: [includes/sts_templates/freeoscommerce_005/freeoscommerce_005.html] // START STS 4.1 $sts->restart_capture ('applicationtop2header'); // END STS 4.1 


I've had a look around this forum for a possible fix but nothing has worked so far...any ideas anyone?





Check your STS installation and make sure you followed the instructions in detail.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Check your STS installation and make sure you followed the instructions in detail.

Thanks for the reply - I have been over the instructions a few times and double-checked everything (unless there is something I am missing somehow!) - I then followed the install instructions that came with the template: http://freeoscommerce.com/installation/installing-oscommerce-2-2-templates/

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I'm a new user to OScommerce, and i've set up STS v4, and it's going well so far, but i'm having a couple of issues.


My main problem is that i really want to change the layout of the product information page(? or template? or Box? I'm still a bit confused there!)...


I've had a look through this thread, and all i can find is instructions on making new templates, but they all seem to say 'insert the $content code where you want it to be displayed'. What i want to do is actually edit how that information is laid out. For example, swap the product image to the left side of the page, make it bigger, style some of the content specifically, change where buttons are situated...


Is there anyway to do that? I've been struggling through with this, and i love the shopping cart, but i'm getting no where fast at this point!



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I'm a new user to OScommerce, and i've set up STS v4, and it's going well so far, but i'm having a couple of issues.


My main problem is that i really want to change the layout of the product information page(? or template? or Box? I'm still a bit confused there!)...


I've had a look through this thread, and all i can find is instructions on making new templates, but they all seem to say 'insert the $content code where you want it to be displayed'. What i want to do is actually edit how that information is laid out. For example, swap the product image to the left side of the page, make it bigger, style some of the content specifically, change where buttons are situated...


Is there anyway to do that? I've been struggling through with this, and i love the shopping cart, but i'm getting no where fast at this point!




Important Posts for the STS newbie:


Post #3755: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1226986


Post #4326: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1303555


Post #4974: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1361366


Post #3772: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1227769


Post #3757: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1227006


Please review the above for insight on how the Simple Template System allows you to make templates for pages, categories, home page, products and infoboxes.


Hope this was helpful,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Important Posts for the STS newbie:


Post #3755: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1226986


Post #4326: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1303555


Post #4974: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1361366


Post #3772: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1227769


Post #3757: http://forums.oscomm...p;#entry1227006


Please review the above for insight on how the Simple Template System allows you to make templates for pages, categories, home page, products and infoboxes.


Hope this was helpful,


It was. thank you very much and congratulations for a great job.

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Hi Guys,


I am having a hard time learning how to deal with arrays, and the forum board for the contribution I'm working on doesn't appear to have much going on. Would someone here be able to see what it is I need to change? Some of my products are in more than one category. I need to pull the array of category id's for a product, and then check to see if a specific category id is in that array.


This is what I have so far, which works if the product is only in the one category I'm looking for, but doesn't seem to grab the entire array to try to check through all of the category id's:

$xsell_extracts_query = tep_db_query("select categories_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " where products_id='" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "'");
$xsell_results = tep_db_fetch_array($xsell_extracts_query);

if ($xsell_results['categories_id'] == '87') {


Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


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hey, I recently designed a simple template for testing (displayed here: gxe.byethost11.com/test/) thats outside the oscommerce STS script. However when I want to switch templates on the "real" site, it won't load the images.


heres the source code:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<style type="text/css">td img {display: block;}body {

background-image: url(./bg.png);

margin-left: 0px;

margin-top: 0px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 0px;



<!--Fireworks CS3 Dreamweaver CS3 target. Created Thu Jan 14 22:51:46 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) 2010-->


<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<table width="1156" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<!-- fwtable fwsrc="Untitled" fwpage="Page 1" fwbase="Untitled-1.png" fwstyle="Dreamweaver" fwdocid = "1949411573" fwnested="0" -->


<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="33" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>


<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1093" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="30" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>




<td colspan="3"><img name="Untitled1_r1_c1" src="./images/Untitled-1_r1_c1.png" width="1156" height="89" border="0" id="Untitled1_r1_c1" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="../site2/spacer.gif" width="1" height="89" border="0" alt="" /></td>




<td background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c1.png"></td>

<td width="1093" height="935" valign="top" background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c2.png"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td width="20%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td>

<td width="64%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td>

<td width="16%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">$cart</td>




<td background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c3.png"></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="935" border="0" alt="" /></td>







It loads the page blank, and all the images are broken (I checked the paths to make sure they were correct, and they seem to be).

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I was browsing to look for assistance and noted your post. I am relatively new to OSC and new to sts but I have learned much from the tips I have collected.

It seems to me that the reason your images are not showing is that you have to enusre your images are inside the images folder (or in a folder inside the images folder) and use a relative path to images with no backing out of folders as you have done. i.e. ../ or ./ is not accepted. only images/spacer.gif or images/site2/spacer.gif


All images come from inside the images folder. That is pre defined in the configure.php file.



hey, I recently designed a simple template for testing (displayed here: gxe.byethost11.com/test/) thats outside the oscommerce STS script. However when I want to switch templates on the "real" site, it won't load the images.


heres the source code:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<style type="text/css">td img {display: block;}body {

background-image: url(./bg.png);

margin-left: 0px;

margin-top: 0px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 0px;



<!--Fireworks CS3 Dreamweaver CS3 target. Created Thu Jan 14 22:51:46 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) 2010-->


<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<table width="1156" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<!-- fwtable fwsrc="Untitled" fwpage="Page 1" fwbase="Untitled-1.png" fwstyle="Dreamweaver" fwdocid = "1949411573" fwnested="0" -->


<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="33" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>


<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1093" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="30" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>




<td colspan="3"><img name="Untitled1_r1_c1" src="./images/Untitled-1_r1_c1.png" width="1156" height="89" border="0" id="Untitled1_r1_c1" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="../site2/spacer.gif" width="1" height="89" border="0" alt="" /></td>




<td background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c1.png"></td>

<td width="1093" height="935" valign="top" background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c2.png"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td width="20%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td>

<td width="64%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td>

<td width="16%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">$cart</td>




<td background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c3.png"></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="935" border="0" alt="" /></td>







It loads the page blank, and all the images are broken (I checked the paths to make sure they were correct, and they seem to be).

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I was browsing to look for assistance and noted your post. I am relatively new to OSC and new to sts but I have learned much from the tips I have collected.

It seems to me that the reason your images are not showing is that you have to enusre your images are inside the images folder (or in a folder inside the images folder) and use a relative path to images with no backing out of folders as you have done. i.e. ../ or ./ is not accepted. only images/spacer.gif or images/site2/spacer.gif


All images come from inside the images folder. That is pre defined in the configure.php file.






This is not completely accurate...


With STS, you can put your images in any folder you want as long as it is inside your template folder (all core osCommerce images could reside in the core images folder or you can replace those as well by simply uploading the core image by the same name into your template image folder -read the STS User Manual for more details on this feature).


Look at your HTML coding. You have place a dot before the forward slash on each of your image source URL's.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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  • product_info.php_c23.html
    • = Product template for all products in a specific category (23 in this example – change to the category ID needed)


    • = CONTENT template for product ID 23. All content template should be saved in the SGP/content/ folder. Review the sample content template provided in the STS template “full/content” folder. The STS Module Product Info must be enabled in order to use this STS feature. This template is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing since you would need to make modifications to it if you ever added new osCommerce contributions to your shop.

Okay I'm having some issues attempting to impliment the above. I tried to use the category and the product both. Changed them to c21 which is my first category and edited the file. Nothing is changing. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I had great success using the index.php_21.html for my customized category template so I know it should be working. Anyone assist?? Thanks!!

Edited by divine



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In my experience - your image source should either be ../images/ or just images/ - you seem to have ./images/ which may be what is causing the problem.


hey, I recently designed a simple template for testing (displayed here: gxe.byethost11.com/test/) thats outside the oscommerce STS script. However when I want to switch templates on the "real" site, it won't load the images.


heres the source code:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"


<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<style type="text/css">td img {display: block;}body {

background-image: url(./bg.png);

margin-left: 0px;

margin-top: 0px;

margin-right: 0px;

margin-bottom: 0px;



<!--Fireworks CS3 Dreamweaver CS3 target. Created Thu Jan 14 22:51:46 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) 2010-->


<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<table width="1156" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<!-- fwtable fwsrc="Untitled" fwpage="Page 1" fwbase="Untitled-1.png" fwstyle="Dreamweaver" fwdocid = "1949411573" fwnested="0" -->


<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="33" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>


<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1093" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="30" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>




<td colspan="3"><img name="Untitled1_r1_c1" src="./images/Untitled-1_r1_c1.png" width="1156" height="89" border="0" id="Untitled1_r1_c1" alt="" /></td>

<td><img src="../site2/spacer.gif" width="1" height="89" border="0" alt="" /></td>




<td background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c1.png"></td>

<td width="1093" height="935" valign="top" background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c2.png"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


<td width="20%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td>

<td width="64%" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td>

<td width="16%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">$cart</td>




<td background="./images/Untitled-1_r2_c3.png"></td>

<td><img src="./images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="935" border="0" alt="" /></td>







It loads the page blank, and all the images are broken (I checked the paths to make sure they were correct, and they seem to be).


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category pages are index.php_CategoriesID.html <- This one goes inside the main template folder


product pages are product_info.php_ProductsID.html <- This one goes inside the "content" folder (which should be inside the main template folder)


In your admin->Modules->STS you need to make sure you have Product Info templates turned on


Okay I'm having some issues attempting to impliment the above. I tried to use the category and the product both. Changed them to c21 which is my first category and edited the file. Nothing is changing. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I had great success using the index.php_21.html for my customized category template so I know it should be working. Anyone assist?? Thanks!!


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