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Hey, Just did a clean install onto my test shop. I cant seem to figure this out. What file should my HTML code (template) be in?


I try to understand what your problem is.

1 ) If you installed sts correctly, then go to the folder includes/sts_templates and you will see various example templates inside. Make a copy of this folder to keep it as an example, you will need it at the beginning

2 ) At your admin panel under modules you will find sts. click on it and enable the "default" module

3) There is a very detailed documentation coming with the package, invest some time to read t


I try to understand what your problem is.

1 ) If you installed sts correctly, then go to the folder includes/sts_templates and you will see various example templates inside. Make a copy of this folder to keep it as an example, you will need it at the beginning

2 ) At your admin panel under modules you will find sts. click on it and enable the "default" module

3) There is a very detailed documentation coming with the package, invest some time to read t


Yes I have installed it, enabled it, and already taken a look at the templates included. My question is Now what? I change my php files to have the coding described "<html $htmlparams><head><!--$headcontent--><head><body> ..." Then I set up a basic table with things like $categorybox and $cartbox and $content. When I view it on the server it just looks like html with the text $categorybox and $cartbox and $content.

You said that there is a very detailed documentation, all I could find with mine was the installation.html file(s), none of them really mention what to do after you enable it. It was {root}/catalog/index.htm & index.php that I tride the $coding in, but it all just came out as text. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted (edited)



I'm totally lost....

I've asked this question to another sub-forum for some time ago, but no satisfying response.

So I will try it agian at this place.


Can anybody help me to get rid of the left and right tablecell in the box-headers?

I've tried a thousand different things, but they just stay where they are.

For explanation see image.




Many many thanks in return for the one who can help me with this!

ps to see the site in action please visit: www.siersematelecom.nl




Edited by JoopSlim

Yes I have installed it, enabled it, and already taken a look at the templates included. My question is Now what? I change my php files to have the coding described "<html $htmlparams><head><!--$headcontent--><head><body> ..." Then I set up a basic table with things like $categorybox and $cartbox and $content. When I view it on the server it just looks like html with the text $categorybox and $cartbox and $content.

You said that there is a very detailed documentation, all I could find with mine was the installation.html file(s), none of them really mention what to do after you enable it. It was {root}/catalog/index.htm & index.php that I tride the $coding in, but it all just came out as text. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Well, did you try the "doc" folder and read the STS User Manual????

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE




I'm totally lost....

I've asked this question to another sub-forum for some time ago, but no satisfying response.

So I will try it agian at this place.


Can anybody help me to get rid of the left and right tablecell in the box-headers?

I've tried a thousand different things, but they just stay where they are.

For explanation see image.




Many many thanks in return for the one who can help me with this!

ps to see the site in action please visit: www.siersematelecom.nl





If you are using box templates then you can go to includes/sts_template/full/boxes/infobox.php

and delete

<img border="0" src="images/infobox/corner_left.gif" width="11" height="14"> &

<img border="0" src="images/infobox/corner_right.gif" width="11" height="14">


if you are not using custom box templates visit http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/274968-how-do-i-all-the-basic-install-questions-regularly-asked/

and read question #8


How do I change this so that i cn use the STORE_LOGO instead of the filename, in my header.php.html file?





have my solution now took me a while to find out, I just needed to change the section in general.php in inc_sts to read as:-

 $sts->template['cataloglogo'] = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . STORE_LOGO, STORE_NAME) . '</a>';


simple when you know how I guess found the old 2005 mod for using store_logo with sts and used the post earlier on here to work out which file it needs editing in to get it to work.


just though I should post that I found a solution, not always easy to find things on here using search.



Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.


have my solution now took me a while to find out, I just needed to change the section in general.php in inc_sts to read as:-

 $sts->template['cataloglogo'] = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . STORE_LOGO, STORE_NAME) . '</a>';


simple when you know how I guess found the old 2005 mod for using store_logo with sts and used the post earlier on here to work out which file it needs editing in to get it to work.


just though I should post that I found a solution, not always easy to find things on here using search.





Here are some Google search tips:


Search the entire forum:

site:www.oscommerce.com/forums sts

site:www.oscommerce.com/forums "insert your search text here without the quotes"


Search the contributions:

site:http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions simple template system

site:http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions "insert the search contribution name here without the quotes"


Search a specific support thread:

site:www.oscommerce.com/forums [Contribution] sts v4

site:www.oscommerce.com/forums [Contribution] "insert contribution support thread heading here without the quotes"

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


Thanks for the good contribution.


But I have one problem:(. When I make a product_listing html template to a category (index.php_21_68_70.html). The productlinks don`t work in my template. But if I copy the products to another category this will make my liks to work in my template.


Hi, I know I must be overlooking something obvious here, but I am trying to use a template for specific categories and every time I go to my category link (which I have in a custom navbar), my index home template shows up instead. My template folder is /includes/sts_templates/Design

The category link given by OSC, posted in my navbar, is: http://mysite.com/index.php?cPath=21

so therefore, I named my catalog template: index.php_21.html

My index (home) page template is set at: index.php_0.html

and my settings are:

[b]Default Module[/b]

Use Templates?

Code for debug output

Files for normal template

Base folder

Template folder

Default template file

Use template for infoboxes

[b]Index Module:[/b]

Use template for index page

Files for index.php template

Check parent templates


Thanks in advance.

Posted (edited)

sorry for double post, but i guess my edit time ran out...i'm using 2.2rc2a..thanks

Edited by theoiks

I have a very specific, and probably simple problem I am trying to troubleshoot. I have installed this contribution: Simple Multi Image Add-on (Un-Limited) with FancyBox Popups and I am having difficulty with the popups showing up correctly when I enable STS, they are simply opening in a new window, without any of the FancyBox styling. With STS disabled, the popups work great, so I am sure that I completed the install correctly. I have a feeling it has to do with the Java header information. It was suggested to me that I should move the header information usually placed in product_info.php to my STS Template. I have tried this and seem to have no luck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



The forum for this contribution is located here:http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=344580.


You are missing the Default Template File which should be sts_template.html


Hi, I know I must be overlooking something obvious here, but I am trying to use a template for specific categories and every time I go to my category link (which I have in a custom navbar), my index home template shows up instead. My template folder is /includes/sts_templates/Design

The category link given by OSC, posted in my navbar, is: http://mysite.com/index.php?cPath=21

so therefore, I named my catalog template: index.php_21.html

My index (home) page template is set at: index.php_0.html

and my settings are:

[b]Default Module[/b]

Use Templates?

Code for debug output

Files for normal template

Base folder

Template folder

Default template file

Use template for infoboxes

[b]Index Module:[/b]

Use template for index page

Files for index.php template

Check parent templates


Thanks in advance.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


Well, this depends on a couple of things...


  1. If you are using the product_info content template, then you would need to make some changes in the way the popup is called. These changes would be in the sts_inc/product_info.php file and the content/product_info.php.html template itself.
  2. If you are not using the product_info content template feature, then you may just need to add the JavaScript to the template page or depending upon the lightbox you are using you may need a link in your template to the lightbox.css file.
  3. If you are not using the product_info content template feature but you are using the popup image template feature, then you may just need to add the JavaScript and/or ligghtbox.css link to your sts_inc/popup_image.php file and the popup_image.php.html template.

A well written add-on for lightbox and extra images would have the necessary code within a PHP file and then all you would need to do is add this file to your "Files to Include" list in the STS Module Admin settings.


I have a very specific, and probably simple problem I am trying to troubleshoot. I have installed this contribution: Simple Multi Image Add-on (Un-Limited) with FancyBox Popups and I am having difficulty with the popups showing up correctly when I enable STS, they are simply opening in a new window, without any of the FancyBox styling. With STS disabled, the popups work great, so I am sure that I completed the install correctly. I have a feeling it has to do with the Java header information. It was suggested to me that I should move the header information usually placed in product_info.php to my STS Template. I have tried this and seem to have no luck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



The forum for this contribution is located here:http://forums.oscomm...howtopic=344580.






Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


Hello people


I'm trying to get the features of option types v2 into the product content pages of sts. Since I don't want to spam this forum, I started a new topic.


Option Types v2 for sts content pages


Any input will be appreciated


Did you consider looking in the STSv4 Power Pack site to see if someone has already crossed this bridge?

It's a good resource to look to for all things that fall under STSv4 Add-ons.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


Thanks for the good contribution.


But I have one problem:(. When I make a product_listing html template to a category (index.php_21_68_70.html). The productlinks don`t work in my template. But if I copy the products to another category this will make my liks to work in my template.



I'm not sure I follow you on this. Can you provide more information...

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


I have received an error:


Warning: require(Z:/home/site/www/includes/boxes/whats_new.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Z:\home\site\www\includes\modules\sts_inc\sts_column_left.php on line 33


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Z:/home/site/www/includes/boxes/whats_new.php' (include_path='.;/usr/local/php5/PEAR') in Z:\home\site\www\includes\modules\sts_inc\sts_column_left.php on line 33


And same for all required files from a file sts_column_left.php.. The directory /includes/boxes/ - is empty..

I have downloaded other distribution kit and took contents of such directory for the site.. Now Errors have disappeared, but the empty page is loaded..((

If I disconnect STS in the panel of the manager - all is loaded ok.. Why?


(At me version 1.204 is established osCommerce VaM Edition)


I have received an error:


Warning: require(Z:/home/site/www/includes/boxes/whats_new.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Z:\home\site\www\includes\modules\sts_inc\sts_column_left.php on line 33


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Z:/home/site/www/includes/boxes/whats_new.php' (include_path='.;/usr/local/php5/PEAR') in Z:\home\site\www\includes\modules\sts_inc\sts_column_left.php on line 33


And same for all required files from a file sts_column_left.php.. The directory /includes/boxes/ - is empty..

I have downloaded other distribution kit and took contents of such directory for the site.. Now Errors have disappeared, but the empty page is loaded..((

If I disconnect STS in the panel of the manager - all is loaded ok.. Why?


(At me version 1.204 is established osCommerce VaM Edition)


The question here is: How did you succeed to empty the directory includes/boxes/?


For sure the sts installation didn't instruct you to do this, so you did something wrong, maybe during sts installation, maybe when doing something else.


At this point now, what to do:

First you install back the directory includes/boxes/ from your Backup.

If you don't have a backup DO NOT take a directory from some contribution, since you don't know how the files are altered there. Go and take the directory from the original rc2a package from the download page. This will work fine unless your boxes files have been altered already before from other contributions that you installed earlier

If this is the case, then reinstall this contributions just for the files in the includes/boxes directory


PS. Thinking about, a possible mistake you've done is to mix the admin and includes directories and that you uploaded the admin/includes/boxes directory from the package replacing the original includes/boxes directory. Can this be?


I have unpacked archive vam-zip and there a directory includes/boxes the empty. It empty it is primary.

My friend bought this assemblage in such kind..(this just the russified)

And now I try to connect to it module STS and have faced these problems...(


I have made, as you have told

Took directory files includes/boxes from the distribution kit 2.2rc2a.zip

But again the empty page is loaded..= ( (The copyright below, is displayed as before only..)


I use version 4.5.8 of 23 Jan 2008 by bkellum..



I have unpacked archive vam-zip and there a directory includes/boxes the empty. It empty it is primary.

My friend bought this assemblage in such kind..(this just the russified)

And now I try to connect to it module STS and have faced these problems...(


If you understand you correctly, you do NOT use the original package BUT a template bought somewhere and now you try to add sts to it?

And in the template you got the folder includes/boxes was empty?

Is this the case?

Posted (edited)


I did not buy a template, I have bought vam edition version osCommerce and the catalogue includes/boxes in it empty.

I wish to establish sts modul for easy work with templates..


and now print only 4 variables: $date $numrequests $footer_text $banner_only..And all the rest is not displayed..

Edited by blyat


I did not buy a template, I have bought vam edition version osCommerce and the catalogue includes/boxes in it empty.

I wish to establish sts modul for easy work with templates..


and now print only 4 variables: $date $numrequests $footer_text $banner_only..And all the rest is not displayed..


Ok, now the reason for your problems is clear, you can stop posting.


You have 2 options now:

1) You go and ask the vam edition seller about what to do now. Nobody knows how he modified osCommerce and why the boxes folder is missing except himself. This is not only about your sts issue but about all future changes or additions you want to do

2) You take the original rc2a package from the downloads and install sts version 458 by (bkellum 23 jan 2008) and things will work + people will be able to help you in the forums


Yes you are right, so all works.


Tell, and what can be not so at me? The part of variables is displayed. Why other part is not displayed? What it is possible to try to make?


Yes you are right, so all works.


Tell, and what can be not so at me? The part of variables is displayed. Why other part is not displayed? What it is possible to try to make?


I can not tell you why some variables work and some others not, only the one who created the vam edition know, better you go and ask him

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