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[Contribution] STS v4


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To begin with...

Are you sure you followed the installation instructions and uploaded the correct osC folder that matched your version of osCommerce; 2.2, RC1, RC2 or RC2a?





First, I'd like to thank you for helping.


I checked the version of osC and this is what I found:


define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-MS2');


I downloaded and installed STSv4.5.8 and installed from the "Files for MS2" folder. Was this correct?

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Hi guys,

First of all thanks for a great contribution!

I've tried my best to find the answer to the problem I am having as I know it's very frustrating when people as questions and the answer is easily available somewhere. However I couldn't find a solution to the problem I am having.

I've installed STS and Oscommerce v2.2 RC2. It works well for the "normal pages". I tried to create a template for the products. An example of the problem can be seen at http://japsports.ie/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=16. I wanted to remove the $content and instead create my own formatting using some of the variables such as $productname, $regularprice etc.

The problem I have encountered is that instead of outputting the values in the above variables it prints out the variable names (see the bottom of the link above, left the $content in the template, just to show that it works, but the other variables don't). Another strange thing I've found is that even if I remove STS or disable the use of STS in the admin panel, the product template is still used.

The snippet of code that displays the content on the page is:

<div id="maincol" >
<h3> $productname </h3>
<br> $regularprice </br>

Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Hi guys,

First of all thanks for a great contribution!

I've tried my best to find the answer to the problem I am having as I know it's very frustrating when people as questions and the answer is easily available somewhere. However I couldn't find a solution to the problem I am having.

I've installed STS and Oscommerce v2.2 RC2. It works well for the "normal pages". I tried to create a template for the products. An example of the problem can be seen at http://japsports.ie/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=16. I wanted to remove the $content and instead create my own formatting using some of the variables such as $productname, $regularprice etc.

The problem I have encountered is that instead of outputting the values in the above variables it prints out the variable names (see the bottom of the link above, left the $content in the template, just to show that it works, but the other variables don't). Another strange thing I've found is that even if I remove STS or disable the use of STS in the admin panel, the product template is still used.

The snippet of code that displays the content on the page is:

<div id="maincol" >
<h3> $productname </h3>
<br> $regularprice </br>

Any help would be very much appreciated.



Did you create a "content" template and place it in a content folder? eg: includes/sts_templates/your_template_folder/content/product_info.php_16


Eitherway, STS should not be used at all once it is disabled in the admin. I'm curious as to how this is happening. Do a file comparison to see if you happended to place some code out of place somewhere.


Hope this helped,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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First, I'd like to thank you for helping.


I checked the version of osC and this is what I found:


define('PROJECT_VERSION', 'osCommerce 2.2-MS2');


I downloaded and installed STSv4.5.8 and installed from the "Files for MS2" folder. Was this correct?

Yes, this would be correct.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Did you create a "content" template and place it in a content folder? eg: includes/sts_templates/your_template_folder/content/product_info.php_16


Eitherway, STS should not be used at all once it is disabled in the admin. I'm curious as to how this is happening. Do a file comparison to see if you happended to place some code out of place somewhere.


Hope this helped,

Hi Bill,

Thanks for such as fast reply.

I created product_info.php.html in includes/sts_templates/my_template_folder not in a subfolder called content. When I tried moving product_info.php.html in to a content subfolder the template didn't worked as expected so I moved it back (to includes/sts_templates/my_template_folder). I tried changing things in the template and they are displayed as expected. I also tried removing the "Product info" STS module using the admin interface, but the template for the product page was still used. This together with a contribution which formats the navigation as a list instead of a table are the only contributions I have installed, so I am not sure how I messed this up :) An example of the problem is http://japsports.ie/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=21 as you can see the template is working, the $content is being printed as expected, however the other variables I printed out below it just print out the variable name.

Any ideas?

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I can't get my "infobox template" to do anything - could someone please help me ;-)


1) I have activated infobox template

2) I have a file called includes/sts_templates/full/boxes/infobox.html.php

3) I have a file called infobox_header.html.php


You can see my website here: www.xn--kreditkb-c5a.dk



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Hi Bill,

Thanks for such as fast reply.

I created product_info.php.html in includes/sts_templates/my_template_folder not in a subfolder called content. When I tried moving product_info.php.html in to a content subfolder the template didn't worked as expected so I moved it back (to includes/sts_templates/my_template_folder). I tried changing things in the template and they are displayed as expected. I also tried removing the "Product info" STS module using the admin interface, but the template for the product page was still used. This together with a contribution which formats the navigation as a list instead of a table are the only contributions I have installed, so I am not sure how I messed this up :) An example of the problem is http://japsports.ie/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=21 as you can see the template is working, the $content is being printed as expected, however the other variables I printed out below it just print out the variable name.

Any ideas?


A few suggestions:


Try the sample product_info.php.html template from the content folder of the sample "full" folder of the contribution. You can rename the product ID portion of the template to match your product ID of 21. You will need to enable all of the STS Modules in the admin, especially the Product Info module in order for the "content" templates to work.


Note: In order for the product info varialbles to work in your custom content template, you also need to include the $startform and $endform tags in place. See the product_info module text in the docs folder of the contribution for more details.


If you are using a "purchased osCommerce template" that you had to "install" over your existing osCommerce files, this could be your biggest problem of all. I have written a step by step guide on how to integrate a purchased template to be used by STS. You can find it in this forum thread at:



Hope this helped,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I can't get my "infobox template" to do anything - could someone please help me ;-)


1) I have activated infobox template

2) I have a file called includes/sts_templates/full/boxes/infobox.html.php

3) I have a file called infobox_header.html.php


You can see my website here: www.xn--kreditkb-c5a.dk




Here are some tips that I have written in this forum thread:





Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I installed Oscommerce MS2 and STS 4.5.8 when i enable the templates within the admin area etc - i test the page but only a few of the listed $vars work: why is this? any help would be great :)


the $ that dont work are (they just show on screen as EXAMPLE $counter) am i missing something?




















thanks in advance



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I installed Oscommerce MS2 and STS 4.5.8 when i enable the templates within the admin area etc - i test the page but only a few of the listed $vars work: why is this? any help would be great :)


the $ that dont work are (they just show on screen as EXAMPLE $counter) am i missing something?




















thanks in advance



You did not complete the installation. The variables are created in more than one STS file so recheck your installation by doing a file comparison against the files in the contribution.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Open the your store catalog folder/includes/modules/sts_inc/sts_user_code.php file and add the following just before the last ?>


// Create variables for product ID, added in v4.0.6 
//$template_pinfo['productid'] = $products_id; // Deprecated in STS4.3SP1
$sts->template['productsid'] = $products_id; // Just for consistende with osC names

// Start the "Add to Cart" form
$sts->template['startform'] = tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product'));
// Add the hidden form variable for the Product_ID
$sts->template['startform'] .= tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $products_id);
$sts->template['endform'] = "</form>";
$sts->template['addtocartbutton'] = tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART);


Now add the $startform $addtocartbutton $endform (all three, in that order) anywhere in your table how ever many times that you need the Add To Cart Button for each product.


Basically, I took the variable define from the includes/modules/sts_inc/product_info.php file and defined them to be used for any of the templates, not just the product_info content template.


Hope this helped,


Hi Bkellum,


Thanks for your continuing support. I did'nt had problem with sts for long while now and using STS latest contribution.

Decided to use product_info.php.html template, I was using standard Content before.


I have similar problem as you already answered but Thios sollution is not working for me, When pressing Add to cart it goes to shopping cart page with empty Basket. Followed you instrucion to add above code in STS user code file and using form before and after Cart button, Tried few different way to sort this out but now I am stuck.

Will be gratefull if you resolve this, Will send you any file you may need to check cde.



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Hi Bkellum,


Thanks for your continuing support. I did'nt had problem with sts for long while now and using STS latest contribution.

Decided to use product_info.php.html template, I was using standard Content before.


I have similar problem as you already answered but Thios sollution is not working for me, When pressing Add to cart it goes to shopping cart page with empty Basket. Followed you instrucion to add above code in STS user code file and using form before and after Cart button, Tried few different way to sort this out but now I am stuck.

Will be gratefull if you resolve this, Will send you any file you may need to check cde.



Hi ,


well after few attampts I managed to solve this cart problem.


All working well, you may have a look and suggest any improvements. at following link





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Hi ,


well after few attampts I managed to solve this cart problem.


All working well, you may have a look and suggest any improvements. at following link






What did you have to do to sort out the issue? Please post for anyone who maybe following or searching this issue.


Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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What did you have to do to sort out the issue? Please post for anyone who maybe following or searching this issue.






Only thing I did to fix this issue to use $startform as a first line of Cell, as this is clearly mentioned in Help document provided with installation.

if there are more than one cell then $startform is first line of each cell and where ever you want to add $addtocartbutton $endform .


This worked for me.


Thanks Bkellum for very clear help and ongoing support.

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A few suggestions:


Try the sample product_info.php.html template from the content folder of the sample "full" folder of the contribution. You can rename the product ID portion of the template to match your product ID of 21. You will need to enable all of the STS Modules in the admin, especially the Product Info module in order for the "content" templates to work.


Note: In order for the product info varialbles to work in your custom content template, you also need to include the $startform and $endform tags in place. See the product_info module text in the docs folder of the contribution for more details.


If you are using a "purchased osCommerce template" that you had to "install" over your existing osCommerce files, this could be your biggest problem of all. I have written a step by step guide on how to integrate a purchased template to be used by STS. You can find it in this forum thread at:



Hope this helped,

I'm not using a purchased template, I tried my hand at creating my own. I'll try the other suggestions though. Thanks again for your help.

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I am dealing with screen resolution problem, templates created for 1024 x 768 is stretching in bad ways for bigger screen resolution.

what solution any one can advise , ANy contribution or help.



You would probably be best served using a combination of a fixed/fluid width layout. This is easily accomplished by setting one area to be a fixed width and one/two area(s) as a fluid width. The fluid width would be on the outer area of the fixed width.




fluid area | fixed width | fluid area.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Please forgive me, this question has more than likely been answered hundreds of times, I have tried search and dont have the time to trawl through 400+ pages on this thread.


First, STS system is a great bit of kit and has helped me create an awesome looking cart, many thanks to the developers.


My problem is probably a stupid one, but how the hell do I get the other templates to work.


Basically, I was trying to get the product-info.php.html template to work, i have edited it and it looks good, but for some strange reason it wont activate and its driving me nuts.


1.. the directory structure is cart/includes/sts_templates/full/, this is where i have saved the template.

2.. I am going onto the module / sts >>>> edit (product info) >>>>> Files for normal template (sts_user_code.php) >>>>>>>>> Files for content template (sts_user_code.php;product_info.php_3.html)


I think this STS cont, needs its own sub forum :rolleyes:


many thanks in advance,



Edited by formula1
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Please forgive me, this question has more than likely been answered hundreds of times, I have tried search and dont have the time to trawl through 400+ pages on this thread.


First, STS system is a great bit of kit and has helped me create an awesome looking cart, many thanks to the developers.


My problem is probably a stupid one, but how the hell do I get the other templates to work.


Basically, I was trying to get the product-info.php.html template to work, i have edited it and it looks good, but for some strange reason it wont activate and its driving me nuts.


1.. the directory structure is cart/includes/sts_templates/full/, this is where i have saved the template.

2.. I am going onto the module / sts >>>> edit (product info) >>>>> Files for normal template (sts_user_code.php) >>>>>>>>> Files for content template (sts_user_code.php;product_info.php_3.html)


I think this STS cont, needs its own sub forum :rolleyes:


many thanks in advance,





Did you install and enable the "product info" STS module in Admin under Modules /STS . Also make sure the default module has the template folder set at "full".



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Please forgive me, this question has more than likely been answered hundreds of times, I have tried search and dont have the time to trawl through 400+ pages on this thread.


First, STS system is a great bit of kit and has helped me create an awesome looking cart, many thanks to the developers.


My problem is probably a stupid one, but how the hell do I get the other templates to work.


Basically, I was trying to get the product-info.php.html template to work, i have edited it and it looks good, but for some strange reason it wont activate and its driving me nuts.


1.. the directory structure is cart/includes/sts_templates/full/, this is where i have saved the template.

2.. I am going onto the module / sts >>>> edit (product info) >>>>> Files for normal template (sts_user_code.php) >>>>>>>>> Files for content template (sts_user_code.php;product_info.php_3.html)


I think this STS cont, needs its own sub forum :rolleyes:


many thanks in advance,





STS does have it's own support thread...this is it.


You should never list your actual template name in the STS Product Info module settings. Remove the reference to product_info.php_3.html. You SHOULD have a reference to product_info.php by default unless you removed it. Also, the Product Info Module is for using Product_info CONTENT templates. You do not need this module to simply have a product_info.php.html template page. If this is a content template, then it needs to be saved in your template folders "content" folder, eg: includes/sts_templates/full/content/.


Template naming syntax:


The naming syntax is very important.


Here is a quick rundown of common template names:


  • sts_template.html
    = Default template
  • index.php.html
    = Default Category template (used for all category pages that do not have a specific template page created for it – if you didn’t have this template, STS would use sts_template.html).
  • index.php_0.html
    = Home page template
  • index.php_x.html
    = Specific category template where x = the category ID.
  • index.php_x_y.html
    = Specific subcategory template where x = the category ID and y = the subcategory ID
  • product_info.php.html
    = Default Product template (used for all products, in all categories, if no specific product template is found).
  • product_info.php_c23.html
    = Product template for all products in a specific category (23 in this example – change to the category ID needed)
  • product_info.php_23.html
    = CONTENT template for product ID 23. All content template should be saved in the your_template_folder/content/ folder. Review the sample content template provided in the STS template “full/content” folder. The STS Module Product Info must be enabled in order to use this STS feature. This template is not recommended unless you really know what you are doing since you would need to make modifications to it if you ever added new osCommerce contributions to your shop.
  • popup_image.php.html
    = Template for the product popup image. Must have the popup image module enabled in the admin
  • index.php.mfr.html
    = Default Manufacturer template page (used for all manufacturer pages that do not have a specific template page created for it - if you didn’t have this template, STS would use sts_template.html).
  • index.php.mft_x.html
    = Specific Manufacturer template where x = the manufacturer ID.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I am using STS 4.5.8 and I am trying to use a STS template for the home page using the index.php_0.html (inside the .../full/content/ ) folder. How exactly do I set this up. I have the index.php.html page as my template in (.../sts_template/full/index.php.html) In that template, for the main area I have the placeholder called ($content) there. Is this supposed to be something different in order to get the index.php_0.html to show up? I figured out the other content templates but couldn't get this to work for me. Here is a link to it http://www.paciplushies.com/shop/ forgive the mess just started on the main content areas. love the templates for the infoboxes.


Second, am I even going about this the right way. I really just want to change the way the products are listed on the homepage. I only have 5 poducts and would like to seperate them individually in their own little box with a details link, add to cart, and price and pic . Couldn't find a contrib that was really what I was looking for.




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I am using STS 4.5.8 and I am trying to use a STS template for the home page using the index.php_0.html (inside the .../full/content/ ) folder. How exactly do I set this up. I have the index.php.html page as my template in (.../sts_template/full/index.php.html) In that template, for the main area I have the placeholder called ($content) there. Is this supposed to be something different in order to get the index.php_0.html to show up? I figured out the other content templates but couldn't get this to work for me. Here is a link to it http://www.paciplushies.com/shop/ forgive the mess just started on the main content areas. love the templates for the infoboxes.


Second, am I even going about this the right way. I really just want to change the way the products are listed on the homepage. I only have 5 poducts and would like to seperate them individually in their own little box with a details link, add to cart, and price and pic . Couldn't find a contrib that was really what I was looking for.






The home page template is NOT a content template and therefore should not be in your content folder. Just place it in your regular template folder (looks like you are using "full" as your template folder).

Also, You may be interested in the Featured Products contribution or even Individual boxes for Products http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4491


Hope this helped,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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hey, its me again, I had a question, this is probably simple, but what I'm trying to do is change my background color for the page, but in order for it not to affect the rest of the contents in the middle of the page, i guess i need to add a table around everything, but when i just add <table><tr><td> at the very top and then try to close it at the very end, it mess's up. can you help me with that.

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Thanks Bill,


I think I am one step closer on getting the content bit working, only now I am getting this error.


Warning: main(includes/modules/sts_inc/full/content/product_info.php.html) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/36/d1xxxxx672/htdocs/f1products_08/includes/modules/sts_inc/sts_display_output.php on line 21

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening 'includes/modules/sts_inc/full/content/product_info.php.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /homepages/36/d1xxxxx672/htdocs/f1products_08/includes/modules/sts_inc/sts_display_output.php on line 21

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /homepages/36/d1xxxxx672/htdocs/f1products_08/includes/modules/sts/sts_product_info.php on line 137


The page is looking like this, so its obviously calling the right place up.




First my directory structure is untouched (full/content/product_info.php.html) (changed file name from origional)




Use Templates?



Code for debug output



Files for normal template



Base folder



Template folder



Default template file



Use template for infoboxes



Content =


Use template for product info page



Enable STS3 compatibility mode



Files for normal template



Files for content template



any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.


thanks again



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Hi Bill,


I'm finally back on this project again and I'm just running into a brick wall. I had thought you hit the nail on the head, and then learned I'm not quite there yet.


So - starting with "what I need" - on a category page that has products in the category I need to have a table that shows:


Master Products Image | Master Products Name

Master Products Description

Slave Model # | Slave Name | Slave Description | Slave Price | Qty Box | Add To Cart

Slave Model # | Slave Name | Slave Description | Slave Price | Qty Box | Add To Cart (continue for each slave product)


Then repeat the entire thing for the next Master Product listed for that category.


Ok - so "what I have" at the moment is the product_listing.php box that pulls in the following:

Master Name | Master Model # | Master Price | Buy Now


I have tried getting the Master Description added in here, but so far I've not had any luck doing that. The Buy Now for the Master Product simply takes you to the product_info.php page for that product as the Master Product is not purchaseable, only the slave products can be purchased. I tried changing from product_listing.php being shown on the index.php page to master_listing.php but I get an error that I can't seem to fix:


1054 - Unknown column 'products_master' in 'field list'


select count(products_master) as total





So - Looking at the fact you have a way to customize the product_info.php content section with a template - I was wondering if there is a way I can customize the product_listing.php with a template? Or is there a way to create tags for the individual items (Master Products Image, Name & Description and the Slave Model #, Name, Description, Price, Add to Cart) that I can put onto the Category Templates?


Thanks again!



Thanks Bill - the Admin Setting to skip the Products Page altogether - am I in the right spot:

Admin->Configuration->Product Listing ? Here it asks "Display Buy Now Column" and the answer has to be a number. It is currently 6.


If this is the correct spot - then I will need to review various changes that were made to the product listing table as the code to show this may have been removed or commented out.


Thank you VERY VERY VERY MUCH though - as I think you found exactly what I need! :thumbsup:


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