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Hi there,


Three pipe problem

After weeks of experimenting I got stuck in trying to get product ranking in the Admin side.

I want to rank products (books) in the admin panel without the use of the review module.

It is a ranking done by the administrator and it is fixed for each product. It seems simple

but I can't find where to do it and how.


How does it work?

As the administrator I want to rank a booktitle with 3 stars stars (out of 5) in the admin side (add product page).

When a customer finds the book in the webshop they see this ranking by the display of these three stars.

This ranking works independently from the review ranking (there is no link).


Can somebody please help me?


Kind regards,




Hello Bill,

Thanks so much for your help, and the internet exploder add on link.

Turns out that you were right. It was not a STS template error, even though I had modified the template. It was an error in the index.php page.

Some times just having some one else say "try looking here" helps when I have been looking at the same code, and staring right at the error and just can't see it.

So thanks again.

On your last day only you will have to approve or disaprove of how your life has been.

Hello Bill,

Thanks so much for your help, and the internet exploder add on link.

Turns out that you were right. It was not a STS template error, even though I had modified the template. It was an error in the index.php page.

Some times just having some one else say "try looking here" helps when I have been looking at the same code, and staring right at the error and just can't see it.

So thanks again.

Glad you got it working! :thumbsup:

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

I am looking into changing the design of my info boxes and am in nheed of some help!


I have designed a basic box in photoshop and sliced it up into three images, top, middle and bottom. When I go to dreamweaver and make a table of 150 width with a three rows and the top in the top row, the bottom in the bottom row and the middle set as a background so that it tiles and expands down. When I test this in my browser it works great but when I upload it to my site and test it the middle image is missing and so does not tile!


Can anyone tell me what I am missing or doing wrong?


Why is your middle image not showing? If the top and bottom are displayed, then the middle should show as well as long as you have uploaded that image and have the path names correct.


Try this:

For the image link, use $templatedir/images/yourmiddleimage.jpg

Upload your middle image to your template folder in a subfolder called images. You will not be able to view the image in DW since the link would be a relative link (not an absolute link) but this is the best way to link your images (especially if you are going to secure your store with a SSL cert.).

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE




Still trying to get the New Pages Contribution to work correctly. If anyone else has used this and can offer some guidance that would be great. I have posted in great detail about the issues I am running across. Please look up a few posts for ALL of the details.


When going to the live faqs.php page it is not actually showing the template called faqs.php.html. I am so lost on this. If I put $content on the template faqs.php.html how does it know where to pull the content from? I tried doing this but the live page just defaults to the faqs.php page under languages/english.


The live page pulls from the file languages/english/faqs.php. I have the other pages and code correct as far as I know. I have started from scratch 4 times now. One thing that confuses me is that in the faqs.php file, there is code on the page that was included with the contribution that says something about it being the template - see my previous post for the code.


Thanks so much.

Hi there,


Three pipe problem

After weeks of experimenting I got stuck in trying to get product ranking in the Admin side.

I want to rank products (books) in the admin panel without the use of the review module.

It is a ranking done by the administrator and it is fixed for each product. It seems simple

but I can't find where to do it and how.


How does it work?

As the administrator I want to rank a booktitle with 3 stars stars (out of 5) in the admin side (add product page).

When a customer finds the book in the webshop they see this ranking by the display of these three stars.

This ranking works independently from the review ranking (there is no link).


Can somebody please help me?


Kind regards,



Sorry Jeff, this thread is for support of the Simple Template System version 4.x.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE



Still trying to get the New Pages Contribution to work correctly. If anyone else has used this and can offer some guidance that would be great. I have posted in great detail about the issues I am running across. Please look up a few posts for ALL of the details.


When going to the live faqs.php page it is not actually showing the template called faqs.php.html. I am so lost on this. If I put $content on the template faqs.php.html how does it know where to pull the content from? I tried doing this but the live page just defaults to the faqs.php page under languages/english.


The live page pulls from the file languages/english/faqs.php. I have the other pages and code correct as far as I know. I have started from scratch 4 times now. One thing that confuses me is that in the faqs.php file, there is code on the page that was included with the contribution that says something about it being the template - see my previous post for the code.


Thanks so much.



I've given you everything you need or can get from the forums. :-


At this point, you need to either go over the install manually to be sure you do/did not leave anything out or follow the instructions for adding new pages manually as listed in the Knowledge Base. Here is the link:




Maybe going over the instructions in that link will help you understand the Adding New Pages using STS addon a little better. :thumbsup:


Either way, I hope you get it worked out.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


I've given you everything you need or can get from the forums. :-


At this point, you need to either go over the install manually to be sure you do/did not leave anything out or follow the instructions for adding new pages manually as listed in the Knowledge Base. Here is the link:




Maybe going over the instructions in that link will help you understand the Adding New Pages using STS addon a little better. :thumbsup:


Either way, I hope you get it worked out.



Well things just get more strange by the minute!


I have been playing around with the infoboxes but still not getting things to display correctly.


However, as a test I saved the box I was working on in dreamweaver as 'infobox_information.php.html' and saved it again as 'infobox_information_header.php.html'. Now, when I went to view my site the box appeared fully formed and working great except that there was another infobox above but that was only displaying the lower half of the image!


Now, try as I might I cannot get things to work right with just one box and I have tried all different combinations that I can think of! I know it is finding the correct path to the images as the test above showed.


Can anyone shed anymore light on this strange occurance?


Heres the code once again:


<table width="150" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th scope="col"><img src="../../images/boxtop3.jpg" width="150" height="31"></th>



<td background="../../images/boxmiddle3.jpg"><table width="150" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th width="10" scope="col"> </th>

<th width="129" scope="col">$content</th>

<th width="11" scope="col"> </th>





<td><img src="../../images/boxbottom3.jpg" width="150" height="27"></td>




Notice that my site keep changing the layout for every page depending on the number of products in the particular category and the length of the displayed texts. I would like to fix my layout like having everything fixed within fixed-size boxes regardless of the length of the text and etc. Could it be done in STS?


Sorry. I am kinda noob here and desperately need a kind soul to enlighten me.



Well things just get more strange by the minute!


I have been playing around with the infoboxes but still not getting things to display correctly.


However, as a test I saved the box I was working on in dreamweaver as 'infobox_information.php.html' and saved it again as 'infobox_information_header.php.html'. Now, when I went to view my site the box appeared fully formed and working great except that there was another infobox above but that was only displaying the lower half of the image!


Now, try as I might I cannot get things to work right with just one box and I have tried all different combinations that I can think of! I know it is finding the correct path to the images as the test above showed.


Can anyone shed anymore light on this strange occurance?


Heres the code once again:


<table width="150" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th scope="col"><img src="../../images/boxtop3.jpg" width="150" height="31"></th>



<td background="../../images/boxmiddle3.jpg"><table width="150" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<th width="10" scope="col"> </th>

<th width="129" scope="col">$content</th>

<th width="11" scope="col"> </th>





<td><img src="../../images/boxbottom3.jpg" width="150" height="27"></td>





Did you not try my suggestion regarding your image link:

Try this:

For the image link, use $templatedir/images/yourmiddleimage.jpg

Also, what did you expect to happen when you copied the same infobox template for the header as well as the header and content? This would not be ideal as you found out. :-


The header infobox template is for styling the header of the infobox. You can use the following STS tags in this template:

$headertext and $right_arrow

You would name the template using the following syntax: infobox_scriptname_header.php.html (for example: infobox_information_header.php.html).


Then, you can create a infobox content template by using just the $content tag. You would name the template using the following syntax: infobox_scriptname.php.html (for example: infobox_information.php.html). Even though this is the same name used for combonation infobox templates (see below), it will only pull in the content if STS sees that a header template was created under the same scriptname (see above).


Header/Content Combo Infobox Template:

If you would rather keep the header and the content in one infobox template, you just create the template using all of the STS tags above and name the template infobox_scriptname.php.html (for example: infobox_information.php.html).

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

Notice that my site keep changing the layout for every page depending on the number of products in the particular category and the length of the displayed texts. I would like to fix my layout like having everything fixed within fixed-size boxes regardless of the length of the text and etc. Could it be done in STS?


Sorry. I am kinda noob here and desperately need a kind soul to enlighten me.



Yes, it can be done as I mentioned in your duplicate post in the STS support thread (for versions 3 and below). It is just a matter of creating the style and then applying the style to your table. I gave code examples in the duplicate post.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

Posted (edited)



I have a new store using OSC 2.2 RC2a. The only modificiations right now are Easy populate and STSv4.5.8 for all osC 2.2 versions.


After I installed and enabled STSv4.5.8 for all osC 2.2 versions the left colum is no longer lined up correctly. The store goes back to normal when STS is disabled.


First I tried to copy the files from the RC2.2 directory of the zip file because I had a fresh install. When that didn't work I restored my backup and tried editing the files manually. I got the exact same problem. I am sure I did the install correctly. Everything works except for these exceptions: the left column is a different size then the right column, the header now has more space between the top of the browser and the logo, and the red warning text appears in the content part of the page instead of above the logo. The only shange to the sts template is a added "said Sadie!" after the default message. This problem existed before I did that.


Please see these screen shots:


OSC when STSv4.5.8 is enabled


OSC when STSv4.5.8 is disabled

Edited by rs2k

Thanks for the help bill.


Yes I did know that it was not the right thing to do to put the body and header with the same code, but I wanted to try every angle as to why the box does not appear!


I did try the link straight to the image but to no avail.


I tried to keep everything in one template and uploaded that and named it infobox_information.php.html but it just wont have it which is whay I have been clutching at straws!!



I have a new store using OSC 2.2 RC2a. The only modificiations right now are Easy populate and STSv4.5.8 for all osC 2.2 versions.


After I installed and enabled STSv4.5.8 for all osC 2.2 versions the left colum is no longer lined up correctly. The store goes back to normal when STS is disabled.


First I tried to copy the files from the RC2.2 directory of the zip file because I had a fresh install. When that didn't work I restored my backup and tried editing the files manually. I got the exact same problem. I am sure I did the install correctly. Everything works except for these exceptions: the left column is a different size then the right column, the header now has more space between the top of the browser and the logo, and the red warning text appears in the content part of the page instead of above the logo. The only shange to the sts template is a added "said Sadie!" after the default message. This problem existed before I did that.


Please see these screen shots:


OSC when STSv4.5.8 is enabled


OSC when STSv4.5.8 is disabled

I'm not sure why it would look like that without having a link to a live store. Either way, the shop is using the template and that is a good thing. Now all you need to do is just add in your own template and stylesheet. The templates provided in the contribution are only samples to get you familar with STS.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

Thanks for the help bill.


Yes I did know that it was not the right thing to do to put the body and header with the same code, but I wanted to try every angle as to why the box does not appear!


I did try the link straight to the image but to no avail.


I tried to keep everything in one template and uploaded that and named it infobox_information.php.html but it just wont have it which is whay I have been clutching at straws!!

Do you have a link that I could look at to see what the problem might be?

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


Hello Again Bill,


I am still having problems with the integration of STS v4 and Product Tabs 2.2 For some reason the "product tabs" are appearing just as links similar to another anchor links that I have set up on the straight html side of the website. If you go to: http://rockymountaincanine.ca//catalog/pro...;products_id=29 you can see what I mean.


I am also not able to get the popup images to work, regardless of whether or not I active them on the admin side.


Any suggestions you can provide would be most appreciated!





Hello Again Bill,


I am still having problems with the integration of STS v4 and Product Tabs 2.2 For some reason the "product tabs" are appearing just as links similar to another anchor links that I have set up on the straight html side of the website. If you go to: http://rockymountaincanine.ca//catalog/pro...;products_id=29 you can see what I mean.


I am also not able to get the popup images to work, regardless of whether or not I active them on the admin side.


Any suggestions you can provide would be most appreciated!





Regarding the Popups...


Do you have the following in your template:


as well as this code in your template:

<html $htmlparams>

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

Regarding the Popups...


Do you have the following in your template:


as well as this code in your template:

<html $htmlparams>



I didn't have this code in the template, so I added it in and it still didn't rectify the problem:-(. Any other suggestions?






I am still trying to figure out how these pesky infoboxes work!


Now, I have tried putting the link to the images on the website but that does not work even though I have tried allsorts of link combinations.


However, I have had a rather strange success!


If I create the infobox template that contains the infobox images and upload that, then with the infobox_header I removed all the code except the for code below, then the infobox now displays as it should and it looks like no errors are coming from it and its working great!


I know that this is pehaps not the ideal way to do it but if it so far works then I shall see if it works for all the other infoboxes unless someone can tell me whats going wrong? Why would the infobox only work if there is a nearly blank infobox_header template??


<table width="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">





<td> </td>



I am still trying to figure out how these pesky infoboxes work!


Now, I have tried putting the link to the images on the website but that does not work even though I have tried allsorts of link combinations.


However, I have had a rather strange success!


If I create the infobox template that contains the infobox images and upload that, then with the infobox_header I removed all the code except the for code below, then the infobox now displays as it should and it looks like no errors are coming from it and its working great!


I know that this is pehaps not the ideal way to do it but if it so far works then I shall see if it works for all the other infoboxes unless someone can tell me whats going wrong? Why would the infobox only work if there is a nearly blank infobox_header template??


<table width="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">





<td> </td>



If you wanted to get rid of the header you could have just created a blank (no code at all) infobox header template.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


Hello all,


having similar problem as Sugoicath, with basically not getting the pop up to work when clicking 'click to enlarge'


Have only adjusted the main template which has <!--$headcontent--> and <html $htmlparams>, I did not change anything to any other page,

but cannot find out why the pop up is not working.


Trying to search this forum, but it seems i am spending more time trying to find info in this thread than actually building the shop ;)


A push in the right direction sooooooooo much appreciated :'(

Hello all,


having similar problem as Sugoicath, with basically not getting the pop up to work when clicking 'click to enlarge'


Have only adjusted the main template which has and <html $htmlparams>, I did not change anything to any other page,

but cannot find out why the pop up is not working.


Trying to search this forum, but it seems i am spending more time trying to find info in this thread than actually building the shop ;)


A push in the right direction sooooooooo much appreciated :'(

Just so we are clear....STS DOES NOT PREVENT THE POPUP IMAGE FROM WORKING as long as you have the $headcontent and $htmlparams tags in your template. STS uses those tags to pull in the osC JavaScript needed for the popup image to work. If it still does not work, then you have issues with your shop that is not related to STS (sort of like Garbage in, Garbage out). It could be another contribution that you installed that the author did not create code to osC standards or you may have uploaded some files that over-wrote the osC files needed for the popup image to function.


:thumbsup: There are no hacks, tricks or work-arounds to fix this. The only real fix is to find out what is preventing this and then correct it. A good start would be to compare your shop's files/folders with a stock osC files/folders using a good file comparison utility such as Beyond Compare. Use this tool to see what is different about your shop compared to a stock osC. Also use this tool to compare your shop's files/folders to the STS contribution to make sure you uploaded all of the files in the correct locations and made the correct code modificaions if you did this manually.


Wish you the best,

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE


I am setting up the infoboxes and have got all the boxes working and know what to name them aprt from the main content box!


I know that to include the infobox for the whats new box I would call the file 'infobox_whats_new.php.html', but I dont know what to call the infobox for the content that displays in the middle as I have tried all the names I thought it would be but to no avail?


Can anyone tell me what I should name it?

Posted (edited)

(i moved this post from the other STS to here for the Version 4.5.8)


I just did the STS v4.5.8 install for 2.2RC2.


When i click on "STS" under the Admin > Modules.... it pulls up the Payment Modules instead of the STS.

I have re-copied all of the files twice to make sure they copied correctly. Same problem


What did i do wrong? and How can i fix this?



Problem solved... i had my Admin open while i was installing and i guess it wasnt allowing the new upload. I downloaded the admin/Modules.php just to check to see what was in it and it didnt have the new STS updates. So i closed out my admin and re-copied it to my site. WORKED!! Yea!!

Edited by shana.jk

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