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[Contribution] STS v4


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lol well your solution for the cart is great, but it just provides too much information for what im looking for and the contribution that u found does exactly what i need it to do and more (Total Price), i had it working and i tried to re-arrange the items to display the way i wanted and i screwed something up :(, im going to see if i can fix it and about the infoboxheading, it still doesnt work even after i added the extra things i had missing before

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I am currently working on a more simpler way of modifying the categories listing in the categories infobox. This would include separating each individual catagory into it's own class in the stylesheet to allow for complete style control using CSS. If someone has already done this or would like to assist just PM me with your information. :thumbsup:


I will be uploading this simple mod to the STS Power Pack site when complete.

Hope this helped,


well now im trying to fix the categories box, so how would i add the arrow in front of each category?? i got the ... btw categories fixed, i just need to get the spacing right and thats where a infobox for categories comes in????



Edited by kewldude_3001
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Okay, everything seems okay.


Next question:


There is no stylesheet in the templates folder - if I place one there will it read from that one?


im not too sure but i believe if it should be here /catalog/stylesheet.css


and if place this link <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">


at the top of ur template file it should work

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what about with the admin only templates that you can work on behind the scenes - where would they call their stylesheets from?


Also, in my old store I had an image for my categories heading that was called from my stylesheet. How do I get this same effect with STS 4 - where should I place the images?


AND ... I can't get my footer to show up...


Sorry for all the dumb questions - just getting used to it...

Edited by mpm
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Too many questions for one post...

what about with the admin only templates that you can work on behind the scenes - where would they call their stylesheets from?

You can have as many stylesheets that you can dream up. Just change the link to the stylesheet needed for that particular template page.

Also, in my old store I had an image for my categories heading that was called from my stylesheet. How do I get this same effect with STS 4 - where should I place the images?
You can create a category template and add the image directly to the template or create a single index.php.html page and add the PHP code to do the same effect directly in the template.
AND ... I can't get my footer to show up...
Not sure what you would be missing here. You can add your footer directly to your template page or create a footer.php.html template and then add a PHP includes statement in your template page to pull in the footer template. :thumbsup: See the STSv4 Power Pack site for a PHP Include contribution that I added that gives you step by step instructions on how to do this.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Too many questions for one post...


You can have as many stylesheets that you can dream up. Just change the link to the stylesheet needed for that particular template page.

You can create a category template and add the image directly to the template or create a single index.php.html page and add the PHP code to do the same effect directly in the template.

Not sure what you would be missing here. You can add your footer directly to your template page or create a footer.php.html template and then add a PHP includes statement in your template page to pull in the footer template. :thumbsup: See the STSv4 Power Pack site for a PHP Include contribution that I added that gives you step by step instructions on how to do this.



Thanks Bill. Love yer work!

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I all


1ºI have instaled some contribuition with the sts like "extra filds and the related products" and i'have some problems with

the sts_template.html layout the boxes d'ont line up . The solution for that problem is to change the original cod in the sts_inc/product_info

old cod

if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) {
  echo tep_cache_also_purchased(3600);
} else {
$sts->stop_capture ('alsopurchased'); // Get the result to the main array
$template_pinfo['alsopurchased']= $sts->template['alsopurchased']; // Put it in the product info


new code

in the sts_column_left.php

add befor the end

  if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'])) {
   include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'also_purchased_products.php');
   $sts->restart_capture ('also_purchased_products_box');


in the sts_inc\product_info.php

add befor the end

$template_pinfo['alsopurchased']= $sts->template['also_purchased_products_box'];


I think this make more sense .!!!???


2º Because I'have very long product description for some products, and this way the client d'ont see the boxes also_purchased and the related_products i have included the $contend in popup_image. For this i trie to create another template for the 2ª popup_image but the sistem only work with the default template. At this moment i d'ont need because

i'have instaled the contribution add images 2.0 with osc_lightbox_1 and the popup_image for the default image with the $content.

Question: It is possible add more popup_image templates in the sts system.???




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i was wondering if anyone had a solution for my categories problem, if u go here it will show u what it should look like and below it, it shows what it actually does look like now




  • For the dotted image, change the width from 130 to 186 (the same width as the image in the box above it).
  • Change the font class from boxText to top11 (same font class as the category fonts in the box above it).
  • Add the arrow image http://newindex.kumarsbookstore.com/catalog/images/ico2.gif to your categories.php file by finding the following line of code:
    	$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new) . '">';

    Change it to something like:

    	$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new);
    $categories_string .= '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'ico2.gif', '') . ' ';;

    I have not tested the above...just off the top of my noggin (head). There are contributions available to do this for you as well. This is one of the items that I am currently working on as an add-on to STS to give more of a "content" template for the categories.php box.

  • In your shop's admin, remove the option for product count display in category list

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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wow that worked for the arrow :), but the font thing didnt change even after i changed it in my index file, i did <div class="top11"> $categorybox<br> $manufacturerbox<br> $bestsellersbox</div>


and in my categories infobox <div class="top11">$content</div>


Also where in admin is the option to disable category product count

Edited by kewldude_3001
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I all


1ºI have instaled some contribuition with the sts like "extra filds and the related products" and i'have some problems with

the sts_template.html layout the boxes d'ont line up . The solution for that problem is to change the original cod in the sts_inc/product_info

old cod

if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) {
  echo tep_cache_also_purchased(3600);
} else {
$sts->stop_capture ('alsopurchased'); // Get the result to the main array
$template_pinfo['alsopurchased']= $sts->template['alsopurchased']; // Put it in the product info


new code

in the sts_column_left.php

add befor the end

  if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'])) {
   include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'also_purchased_products.php');
   $sts->restart_capture ('also_purchased_products_box');


in the sts_inc\product_info.php

add befor the end

$template_pinfo['alsopurchased']= $sts->template['also_purchased_products_box'];


I think this make more sense .!!!???


I think you have a problem somewhere else with your tables. The also purchased code is in sts_inc/product_info.php because it is to be placed on the product info template, and sts_inc/product_info.php is called only when on this page. Moving it to sts_inc/sts_column_left.php does not change the returned code, output is same and you can check it in debug mode. Your code now in sts_column_left.php has still 2 problems: the code for the box will be called for each page having a product ID, and this box needs resources, so you'll slow down some pages without even displaying the box. The second problem is that you did not copy the code for the box caching, so again some resources lost.


The code in sts_inc/product_info.php can be optimized to:

// See if any "Also Purchased" items. Feature added in v4.0.6
if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) {
  echo tep_cache_also_purchased(3600);
} else {
$template_pinfo['alsopurchased']= $sts->stop_capture (); // Get the result to the content array


See the difference? We don't save the 'alsopurchased' code into $sts->template anymore, as we need it only in $template_pinfo.


I recommend you try this code and check the output using the debug mode (sts_debug=debug in URL if you have not changed the default settings), and see if the also_purchased box has bad tables.


I hope it's possible to understand what I wrote, did not sleep much last night.


- Chris

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lol about the category font i have tried everything and it doesnt want to change, i even changed infoboxcontents tdcategory in the stylesheet sigh :( it just doesnt seem to want to work.

OK Ash...this one will cost you a cup of coffee :lol:


Open your includes/categories.php file (again) and find the following code (on or near line 20):

$categories_string .= '<a href="';

Replace with your new css class for your font:

$categories_string .= '<a class="top11" href="';


Be sure you have the class defined in your stylesheet:

A.top11 {
 color: #46484a;
 font-size: 11px;
 text-decoration: none;
 font-family: Tahoma

Since the purchased template is already using the correct class, all you really need to do is copy that class info and paste it into you stylesheet.css file as well as add the class to the categories.php file as I displayed above.

Edited by bkellum

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I would like to now change the way my Categories / search side bar looks, which file would i edit to do so? Here is what i have now http://outlawmotorsportsaz.com/catalog/index.php.


I went to your site and did not see any categories listed. Do you have any categories or have you tried adding the $categorybox tag?

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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EDIT: lol i got it all i did was add <div></div> to the code u gave me for the categories, now i just need to figure out how to align the text in the middle instead of the bottom and space the arrow over by like 1 or 2 :)

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I have a quick question.


I need to display an image, but only on non-ssl pages. How would I do this with the template?


Basically, I need to do this:


if ssl echo  

if non-ssl echo "image"


How could I do this?

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