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Product options as textfield instead of dropdown?


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I am trying to modify the products_info.php to say that if a certain product is being loaded, instead of drawing the regular dropdown for a certain product option, lets have a textfield instead, so a user can enter in some specific text instead of selecting an option from a list. Has anyone tried to do this?


I tried to simply modify the tep_draw_pull_down_menu function in includes\functions\html_output.php to draw a textfield for a specific option name if the product id matches the one of my choosing. I did this and things looked fine on the front end, but when I tried to add the item to the cart, it would present an empty shopping cart to me.


can anyone offer any suggestions as to how I might fix this? it looks somewhere a function is checking to see that all of the selected options match the possible options in the database that were created in the admin panel as product options. Is there a way I can bypass this for a specific product id? I created a product attribute in the admin panel, lets say I called it "choose your text" and gave it one dummy option called "testing" my textfield carries any value the user inputs instead of the value for the option "testing"


any help, advice, or comments - be them kind of not, would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading this post infact!


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