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Multiple attributes not showing on Invoice


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  • 2 months later...

This continues to be a problem - I am using MS1 loaded


Does anyone have a fix yet or could point me in the right direction about the code.


Thanks for any assistance.

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Thanks Linda, but I'm not too familiar with the code yet - do you have any idea what I should be looking for - I've checked for line breaks and that all lines end properly, and can't find anything basic with that. And I haven't added any contributions which have touched this file.


It's not a big deal to me, but it would be nice to have all the forms functioning properly.


Any help appreciated.

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I have all the details for the attributes working on that version too.


Find an order that has attributes


Now look in the orders_products_attributes table. Are there values there and do they match the order?


Now go to:



And look at v1.106 ... you can download that and use Beyond Compare to compare your file and that file to see where the differences are.


See if you are missing something.

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In the orders_products_attributes table, there are only products_options and products_options_values columns. One of each. So yes, the attirbutes are showing, but since it is only one place to put it, only one attribute is there.

Drive it like you stole it.

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Wasn't there a bug report about this very thing. It was fixed for OsCommerce. Maybe my fault.


I'll see if I can dig out the relevant posts.

Trust me, I'm an Accountant.

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