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The e-commerce.

Header and footer images support


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ok im trying to setup my shop and im experiencing the following problems


i have the center_shop contribution plugin installed and i want to do the following things



1) i want to set a bordercolor in the outer table

2) i want to place an image on the bottom and on the top but i cant seem to find the place


i tried entering it in the footer.php but it doesnt show up and the table that i tried to enter it in isnt the table im looking for


where is the main table located??in what file?? when i say main table i mean the table that includes everything in


for example go to my demo page



and your probably understand what i mean

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Man...I just submitted this, and for some strange reason it didn't post. Oh well, here we go again.


Ok, I have included the code that I used for my site. All you need to do is add this code to the index.php or default.php file and insert this code where desired. Obviously you will need to change this per your actual application.




<!-- header //-->



<table border="0" width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">  


   <td align="center"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="./images/border/header.jpg">


 <td width="40" align="left" style="background-image:  url(./images/border/left top corner.jpg)">?</td>


<img src="./images/border/new logo top.jpg">?


 <td width="40" align="right" style="background-image:  url(./images/border/right top corner.jpg)">?</td>





<!-- body //-->

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%">  


 <td  align="left" width="40" style="background-image:  url(./images/border/left.jpg)">?</td>  






 <td width="40" align="right" style="background-image:  url(./images/border/right.jpg)"> </td>  




<!-- body_eof //-->




<!-- footer //-->

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">

 <tr class="footer">

   <td class="footer">??Tuesday 10 December, 2002??</td>

   <td align="right" class="footer">??1241 requests since Tuesday 05 November, 2002??</td>



<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


   <td align="center" class="smallText"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="./images/border/bottom2.jpg">

<tr><td align="left"><img src="./images/border/left_corner.jpg"></td>

   <td align="center" class="smallText">

Copyright ? 2002 Blueline HiFi<br>All Rights Reserved.</td>

<td align="right"><img src="./images/border/right_corner.jpg"></td>







<!-- footer_eof //-->


Again, like I said this is just a test page...so things like the copyright info being written out instead of coded...that isn't what you should use. I simply included the extra info so that you would know where to place the new table info.


I hope this helps, and if you need anything just let me know,


Chris Sullivan

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Hi , nice site !


1) It would be nice if when you click on a product image,

you get a larger image.


I know that there are many contributions which could be used to produce

this !


2) Change the window title from OScommerce to your shop/store name

(and then add powered by OSCommerce , maybe after the title text)


I browse with 4 windows open, it helps to know where I am

(I am known for getting lost !)


3) As you could get international customers (I am from London , UK)

make it clear that your prices are in Cyprus Pounds somewhere

near the top of the page.


I thought your prices were very high until I saw the currency code in the bottom left window !

( Seeing the British flag only added to this )


Hope these help !


Well done





Special Effects / 3d + Flash

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man thx for your criticism

it is highly accepted


this is a demo site to show to future customers

its still under heavy development



about the cyprus pounds im based in cyprus well now that we entered the europena union i think ill remove the cyprus pound :P hehehehehe



well honestly thx for your comments ill try to implement your comments

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  • 4 months later...

You can use an IF in the footer.php based on the language id and that can switch between the images for you or whatever else you need in the footer.php


Or, you can have two footer.php files if it is easier.


Put the code for footer.php into two files, footer_eng.php footer_sw.php and then change footer.php to be just an IF statement that uses an include based on the language id.


This might make it easier to code as you aren't trying to stuff both footers into one file.

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I solved it this way ( i dont know if it?s the best way,but it seems to work). :)


In english.php and svenska.php (swedish file that is) i wrote


define('IMAGE_BUTTON_FOSSING', 'Footer');


Then I made 2 diffrent images (one swedish text and one english text), footer.gif (same name) and put them in





and I added this in the footer.php


<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<?php echo tep_image_button('footer.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_FOSSING); ?>






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