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[Contribution] Database Manager

Jan Zonjee

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The pear issue is as detailed in the doc If pear fails & you wish to use, ask your host to add pear mail with smtp & mime classes.


I suggest you do get pear mail setup as you are likely to have more success with pear mail as its not as crude as php mail and is more secure


I`ll look at modifying the headers for wider compatibility though.



Re size issue, I don't think it is one, I note Thunderbird reports the attachment size correctly, but archive manager states larger by the same proportion you get.



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I had another idea, do you have gzipping enabled generally on your server (not just through the osC setting or application_top.ph? If so that can cause issues as it will attempt to re-gzip a already compressed file causing corruption.


Website backup has the line

if (function_exists('apache_setenv')) apache_setenv('no-gzip', '1');

to attempt to prevent that, but that function is not always available.



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All that I can see in the server information is:




But... whether it's enabled or not, what can I do about it? Is it being gzipped again when emailed?

Edited by mr_absinthe

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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And I was looking at another server... the server where I'm testing it atm has gzip compression enabled as well as:




Is that line also in the backup manager or auto backup?

Edited by mr_absinthe

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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Its not easy to tell if its enabled thorough php You can test its working on the output, but that does'nt help


No the code isn't in the others as I`m still testing on how useful, as it seems more often disabled than not.


There is an additional header that can be added, I`ll look at a minor update.



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Looking at your results with Website Backup it does look like your issue is re-gzipping, as that was the main change there


I`ll have the update done when there's time.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Uploaded new version 1.5.2




Modified email function to widen server compatibility


Main Features of Database Backup Manager:


Better support for large databases

Existing Backup files can be compressed plus improved support for compression.

Selective Backups can be created (on a per table bases)

Selective Restores can be made (on a per table bases) given a compatible backup file (from this or Auto-Backup Database)

Database Backups can be emailed

Log files within the backup folder can be viewed or deleted

Backup file list can be sorted on name, date and size (ascending or descending).


This version is compatible with osC 2.3.x and below


Full Package


Download from: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5769



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Released a pure 2.3.x version here http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8412


Just the same as the last release but with 2.2 elements removed in the package



Pity you can't alter a package to indicate support for multiple osC versions! :huh:



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OK, I've finally managed to update a test on two different servers. Here are some results:

1st PHP Version 5.3.10

after clicking "mail", the following warning was displayed Warning, PEAR Mail not found or insufficient to email backup, reverting to standard mail function. However the file was emailed fine. Unfortunately, I am unable to unpack no matter what I try (7zip, etc).

When I download the same backup file directly from download manager, it is fine, I'm able to open it in any program.


2nd PHP Version 5.2.9

after clicking "mail", the following warning was displayed: Warning, PEAR Mail not found or insufficient to email backup, reverting to standard mail function. I've contacted my host and they confirmed, that PEAR is installed on the server. The backup was sent by email OK. Unfortunately, I am also unable to unpack it: backu_201204160633.sql.gz: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged!

Same as on the 1st server, when I download the same backup file directly from download manager, it is fine, I'm able to open it in any program. I've noticed big difference in file size displaed:

Emailed sql.gz file size 13,146 KB

Downloaded (directly from backup manager) sql.gz file size 9,733 KB

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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As stated in the doc, you need PEAR mail with smtp & mime classes, otherwise you will see that warning message. The fact that PEAR is installed does not mean you will automatically have all. The change is easy for your host though.



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Yes, the trouble is a am unable to duplicate your issue on any server and no-one else has reported the same.


So it would be very helpful to know if you have the same issue with PEAR, would enable me to narrow the issue down greatly.



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


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Hello - I'm a relatively new user to OS Commerce with our website and want to know what the recommended add-on to export my order data to a csv (or any excel format). Can someone point me in the direction of where to find one that is widely used? Ive been looking and seems to be all over the map on this one. THANK YOU!

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I could add a comment option on mailing backups, I don't think its wise to add a comment to the backup file, I recall Jan saying he did that but it caused an issue. Though auto-backup does add a summary comment, but the backup code in that is different to this (I did a complete re-write from the original)


The other way would be to create additional log files.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My host now confirmed that the PEAR mail with smtp & mime classes is installed on the server, however I'm still receiving the following warning when trying to email it:

Warning, PEAR Mail not found or insufficient to email backup, reverting to standard mail function.


They also sent me this link to configure th application: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-php-send-email-via-smtp-authentication.html

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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OK, I've managed to sent the backup file by email via PEAR finally and I can confirm that the backup file is fine and can be unpacked without any issues. However when the PEAR fails and the backup is sent via standard mail function (PEAR Mail not found or insufficient to email backup, reverting to standard mail function), the backup file seems to be corrupted - I was unable to unpack - the archive is either in unknown format or damaged!


It is pity because if there is no PEAR available, the email function is currently not usable, at least on couple of different servers I've tried.

Edited by mr_absinthe

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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  • 2 weeks later...



OK, glad you could finally test with PEAR and found that works, helps me to track the issue. Not sure the link you gave is of any relevence, as you found, once PEAR is properly set up ,it works.


Try this change in mail_backups.php


replace (98):


$data = @fread($fp,filesize(DIR_FS_BACKUP . $filename));




			   $data = '';
		   while (!feof($fp)) $data .= @fread($fp, 1024);



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




Auto Backup your Database, Easy way


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,


I installed Database Backup Manager, which is great, but the email function doesn't seem works for me.


I had error message:

[sMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: -1, response: Hello there.)]---> this is port 110 respond

POP Port is:110

[sMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: -1, response: .)]---> this is port 225 respond

SMTP Port is: 25


I had IP trapped installed, at the beginning the email doesn't work but it took a while to send it to my email account.

I am not sure this will be the same as this time it said ERROR.


Can anyone please help?



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jan,


thanks for you contribution. works fine with OsC 2.3.1 and save me a lot of space. Only one problem with emailing the file:

Email send error: Failed to connect to smtp.1and1.com:587 [sMTP: Failed to connect socket: Connection refused (code: -1, response: )]

My smtp host requires authentication: "(To send e-mail using the SMTP-Server, activate SMTP Authentication. Please do not use the Secure Password Authentication (SPA) option. Optionally, port 587 can also be used in addition to the default port (25) RFC 2476.).".

How can I activate that in the script of mail_backups.php? - Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...



i've installed this great contribution and everything seems to working fine, but when i try to send the backup file via email, i'm getting this message:

Internal Server Error


The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.


what am i doing wrong, can you help me to get it running?



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