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Add Tips for Driver Deliveries [ different direction? ]


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Hello everyone.


I've been using and following OSC for quite some time... since early TEP days.


I've seen contributors give back, and have watched the community grow by leaps and bounds. This have been a very impressive group to interact with.


In 99% of the current OSC webmaster-base, I would have to assume that everyone either ships their sold products, or allows for pick up.


On this odd occasion, I've decided to use OSC for a food delivery business. Obviously I'm not going to ship the food, nor will I have people pick it up from me. Instead I will be delivering food to hotels, offices, homes from restaurants that currently do not have delivery services. This helps to expand the reach of the Restaurant, while letting people get new 'delivery' food. (yum!).


Ok... so what's the question?


Currently there is no method, that I am aware of, that will allow interaction with a 'pending' credit-card charge, such as to add a 'Tip' to the bottom line of the charge. (and/or put a hold on the credit card, verifying funds, until delivery has taken place)


The only way I can figure this to work (and work legally), is to hold the credit card charge until the driver (myself or a friend) calls back with a hand-signed receipt notating the tip amount. At that point, I could go into that particular order, and add a 'Tip Amount'... then do the charge.


Never being in this business before, I have to go on my client-end experiance with take-out places such as Pizza-Hut, or Domino's. In this case, when I order a pizza on credit card, they actually ask if you would like to leave a tip for the driver (right then). I normaly (as I would suspect others) says "no thanks, I'll give it when the driver arrives". In which case, they run the card (which I think puts a 'hold' on the money [ verifying that the funds exist at least for that amount]) then deliver the pizza with the receipt printout that allows for a tip to be added.


Am I off my knocker by thinking that adding a process like this would begin an expansion from just 'Mail-Out'-based companies to those more mobile in nature?


Thoughts and suggestions are welcomed, as I know I will be needing to do some serious hacking to the code... but if nothing else, I think this could turn into a viable software package for others that may do delivery services.


Thanks for the view!


-- Matt

It's all 1's and 0's

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I was lucky enough to have one of the core team contact me and offer to help out for my needs...


Though, I've not been able to get 'back' in contact with them, and it's coming down to crunch time... that I am essentially asking anyone with a great deal of experiance with OSC and PHP to private msg me reguarding you hourly rate for development (preferably a CORE member, but open to other talented folks).


I will also be able to, at that point, provide you with a much more detailed list of what I need modified.


Please keep in mind that I need these changes done very soon... within a week's time. So, if you feel you are going to be unable to finish in that time period, please let me know. Otherwise, I welcome your bids.



Whatever is developed for my needs, I will also have the developer make available for the contribution section, as I feel that the work everyone involved here has done, has helped me along greatly for the past couple of years, and I fully plan on giving back.


Thanks again, and I look forward to getting some private messages here shortly.

It's all 1's and 0's

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