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please ignore my last post :) after much thought, i realized it might be a good safety measure to have affiliates put in their address and such


however, still stuck on the sales page

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Tec - all of your recent questions would be answered by reading the files that come with the contribution.


Britney - the image size used is the same as you upload. If you want it to be smaller then use smaller images.



Thanks Vger,

I figured it out, nothing major, just a bit absent minded...I should have seen it.




Anyway, for those like me who may not know how, go to





observe this code, All I did was specify the width and height


$link = '<a href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&products_id=' . $prod_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_AFFILIATE_SHOW_BANNER . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="' . $affiliate_products['products_name'] . '"></a>';


Many of us just copy and paste, without actually knowing what the code is doing, then we ask silly questions!

Silly huh?

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Tec - all of your recent questions would be answered by reading the files that come with the contribution.


Britney - the image size used is the same as you upload. If you want it to be smaller then use smaller images.



Thanks Vger,

I figured it out, nothing major, just a bit absent minded...I should have seen it.




Anyway, for those like me who may not know how, go to





observe this code, All I did was specify the width and height


$link = '<a href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&products_id=' . $prod_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_AFFILIATE_SHOW_BANNER . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="' . $affiliate_products['products_name'] . '"></a>';


Many of us just copy and paste, without actually knowing what the code is doing, then we ask silly questions!

Silly huh?

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hey eveyrone, ok, I am still lost on this payment thing, i made an error and kept calling it sales on the board here.

when you go to payment, should you not see the money you owe to people and pay them? nothing shows up in mine, even though affiliates have made sales and earned money

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If you fix the width and height of all banners and it does not relate to their original image size then they will end up distorted. If all you want are banners which measure 180x250 then just save them in that size.


But you also should provide banners in a variety of sizes so that at least one size suits the pages of the website they are meant to go on.



Thanks Vger,

I figured it out, nothing major, just a bit absent minded...I should have seen it.

Anyway, for those like me who may not know how, go to





observe this code, All I did was specify the width and height


$link = '<a href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&products_id=' . $prod_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_AFFILIATE_SHOW_BANNER . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" width="180" height="250" border="0" alt="' . $affiliate_products['products_name'] . '"></a>';


Many of us just copy and paste, without actually knowing what the code is doing, then we ask silly questions!

Silly huh?

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Okay, this is down in the instructions, but here goes anyway:


1. You set an affiliate percentage

2. You set a minimum amount for payout

3. You set a billing period, before which payments won't work.

4. If your minimum payout is £25's worth of commission, and the payout period is 30 days from the sale, and the customer meets those requirements, then you go to the Payment page and click "Start Billing".

5. Until you click on "Start Billing" you won't see anything on that page, becausee it's the "Payment" page and you haven't made any yet.

6. Don't forget that affiliate sales are only confirmed when they have an Order Status of "Completed".



hey eveyrone, ok, I am still lost on this payment thing, i made an error and kept calling it sales on the board here.

when you go to payment, should you not see the money you owe to people and pay them? nothing shows up in mine, even though affiliates have made sales and earned money

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hey Vger, see, :)


ok, i have double checked everything, maybe it doesnt like me :)


ok, so when i hit the start billing button (now that i see names in there) does it automatically send out payments to all the sales listed on the payment page?


what is payment threshold, i have mine set at 0.05 because i am not sure what it is.


also, where it says billing time I put '1' since the product is a downloadable product


for Order MIn Status, there is a '1 in there, is this correct?


it says 'Affiliates have been sucessfully billed' does this mean to say Affiliates have been successfully paid?



Edited by tec
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No, after you click 'Start Billing' you then actually have to pay your Affiliates by whatever means you have allowed for. It doesn't automagically send money out over the internet.


Order Min Status is whatever number the Order Status of 'Completed' is.


Payment threshhold is the minimum amount of earned commission before you will make a payment to the affiliates. If you set $25 as the minimum then their commission has to reach $25 before they are entitled to a payout. 5 cents doesn't seem like much of a payment threshhold.



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Okay I sorted out the issue of using OS Affiliate with a templated system, man that was a pain! For those that wasnt an idea of how I did it, I wish i could explain it. It was the hackiest, guess work I have ever done. There was one } that had to be removed from the header.tpl and all the affiliate pages, well I ripped the <left> and <right> boxes out, made a new menu with the links and placed it at the top of the page. That solved the way it fit into the template.


I also updated the icons to be abit more modern, if you want them PM me and I'll post them. Despite all the trouble, I'm happy to have figured it out myself, along with little tips and such here and there regarding my problem from the great ppl here at osc.

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when i am viewing the affiliate news, i see:


"ose the banner or link you want to display on your website from the choices below:" @ the top of the page.


when i goto insert affiliate news thru the admin panel i see, under page: affiliate_news.php?action=new_affiliate_news&lngdir=english :




what is causing this?

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what is causing this?


You've not installed it correctly, and if you have that one TEXT_DEFINE error then you probably have others. Best to go back over the whole install and look for errors/omissions.



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It's not installed correctly - else you wouldn't have a missing text definition.



define('TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS', 'Affiliate News');


define('TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS', 'Affiliate News');


define('TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS', 'Affiliate News');

admin\affiliate_news.php(160): <td class="pageHeading"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS; ?></td>

admin\affiliate_news.php(249): <td class="dataTableHeadingContent"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS_HEADLINE; ?></td>

admin\affiliate_news.php(250): <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="center"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS_STATUS; ?></td>

admin\affiliate_news.php(251): <td class="dataTableHeadingContent" align="right"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS_ACTION; ?> </td>


define('TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS', 'Affiliate News');








define('TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS', 'Affiliate News');










define('TABLE_HEADING_AFFILIATE_NEWS', 'Affiliate News');








In future you can find this out for yourself by keeping a copy of your website in a folder on your computer, downloading and install Text Pad (a free plain text editor) and using its "Find In Files" feature to search the website folder.



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ill look into this one situation.


also, when i do the email out the newsletters, and the password request option, it is not emailing me.


in the affiliate configuration, thru admin panel, i have [email protected] as my email, not <[email protected]> so i dont know if thatis causing this problem also. i had it with the <> around it and it didnt work so i took those off and it still is not sending me the password on request and its not emailing out newsletters. ideas?

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I have successfully installed this contrib and it's working great on my test install. I am ready to move it over to the live site for a friend. We used a design layout for the live site that does not use the column_left or column_right.


Instead using the tutorials on the forum I created new pages that are linked in the footer of the site for our information pages. I used the privacy.php page as a template to make the new information pages. Is it possible to place the affliate sign up, faq, and terms in one of these new pages I've added to the site?


I noticed in the instructions {I'm using v2.5a + some bug fixes} that we add the below code to the column_left or where ever we want it to show up at..


In catalog/includes/column_left.php (or whereever you want the box) find

  if ( (USE_CACHE == 'true') && !SID) {
echo tep_cache_categories_box();
 } else {
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'categories.php');

 if ( (USE_CACHE == 'true') && !SID) {
echo tep_cache_manufacturers_box();
 } else {
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'manufacturers.php');

and on a new line add this after it:

 require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'affiliate.php');


Which works wonderfully when added to column_left.php but I would like to add this information to the associates_program.php page I have created using the privacy.php as a base template. Where I get stuck is that it says to look for the below code where I want it to show up --


if ( (USE_CACHE == 'true') && !SID) {
echo tep_cache_categories_box();
 } else {
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'categories.php');

 if ( (USE_CACHE == 'true') && !SID) {
echo tep_cache_manufacturers_box();
 } else {
include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'manufacturers.php');


I don't have these lines of code in my information pages. So I'm unsure where to add the --


and on a new line add this after it:

 require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'affiliate.php');


The page I would like to add this information to may be found here --



I'm going to back up my files and play around see if I can't figure it out but thought maybe some one had already done this and might have a suggestion. I did search the boards and have read 90% of this thread so I'm off to read the rest and see what I can come up with.


BTW Thanks to Vger for everything she's put into this board because as usual I would have been lost without reading all the current and past threads for this contrib.


Many thanks -- Mindy

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And the email address you are using is based on the domain that the site uses and not some other off-site address?


If it is based on the site name, you have set up that email address in your web hosting control panel, and if your other mail addresses are working, then I have to admit I have not come across this problem before.



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