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Prevent Spider Sessions?


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if prevent spider session is set to false then when a spider crawls thru the URL generated will have session ID concatenated to it.

Thsi will result in two issues.


1)A visitor who clicks from the google page having reference to your site will l;and up along with session ID.Another visitor may land up with same session ID.This will result in both the visitor coming later get access to the previous visitors data.A security issue.


2)When spider comes for the second time a different session ID hence a new URL though the page is same.


This will result in duplicate content penalty.


So it is recommened to set prevent spider session to true.




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No, it won't. Other than what Satish has already stated. You need it on. The longer you delay, the more damage you are causing.



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  • 1 month later...

hello jack, just wondering if it is possible for oscommerce to still asign a session ID even thought my store setting for 'prevent spider sessions' is set to true?

reason I ask is under my google analytics i noticed google has indexed the same links with differect sessions attached.





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It shouldn't be possible. Look at the cached version of those links and check the dates they were created. It might be that they are old ones from before the setting was changed.



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Admin --> Configuration --> Sessions

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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