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Shipping Modules Question


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I need some direction on which module will work best for my shipping needs.


I would like to set up the shipping costs as such: first item = $4.50, each additional item $0.75


Is there a contribution (or default option) that will allow me to do this?



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Will this work for different item types? This is the only one I found with a title similar to what was given: Individual Product Shipping Prices - v1.0 (readme says Individual Product Shipping v4.3)


I just want to make sure before installing it, because it says:


You will need to configure: Admin panel > Categories / Products > each product to include the:


* TEXT_PRODUCTS_ZIPCODE: (I my own postal code, as I ship each item)

* Indv. Shipping Price:

* Each Additional Price:


I want the customer to be able to pay $4.50 shipping for first item, and $0.75 for any additional item, be it the same item or different.


Will this contribution apply to that need?



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Have a look at the contribution description, that should tell you for sure.

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takle table rate conmtribution and ste it this way



Now if weight is not used elsewhere just place each item to be weighing 1 unit.



If this is not ok then go to the function quote and there You need to do a slight tweaking.



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takle table rate conmtribution and ste it this way



Now if weight is not used elsewhere just place each item to be weighing 1 unit.

If this is not ok then go to the function quote and there You need to do a slight tweaking.




Would this be the default table rate that comes with OSC, or a new contribution I will download from the OSC site? I did not see one on the site, so am assuming the one that comes with OSC..........

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Would this be the default table rate that comes with OSC, or a new contribution I will download from the OSC site? I did not see one on the site, so am assuming the one that comes with OSC..........



Just an update for anyone who may be looking for this same type of functionality - it ended up that the Table Rate With Quantity Option contribution did just what I need. It adds a quantity option to the Table Rate module.


Get it here: http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5424


Thanks everyone for your help!

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