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Easy Populate 2.76d / Deleting Items


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My Easy Populate version has just been upgraded to 2.76d by my site support (not requested!).

All files are now in CSV by default, instead of tab delimited.


How do I delete items in this format? Previously I would of set the v_action field to delete. This column is not present anymore.

I have tried:


setting the v_status field to delete

adding the v_action column and entering delete


I have also tried saving the file as tab delimited but this has made no difference.


I am assuming it is possible to delete items in this version? It might not be the latest version of EP but it was possible to delete in the previous install.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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You can change the configuration of EP, as it says at the bottom riight of my admin page.


Please see the manual in this contribution's package for help in changing these settings.


Might be worth a read as it tells you what value you need to set in v_status, different in a subtle way from your value, and probably a few other tips that are useful.

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I've looked at the current configuration in the easypopulate.php file.

I've found this to me which would suggest Delete isn't available?


//**** Status Field Setting ****

// Set the v_status field to "Inactive" if you want the status=0 in the system

// Set the v_status field to "Delete" if you want to remove the item from the system <- THIS IS NOT WORKING YET!

// If zero_qty_inactive is true, then items with zero qty will automatically be inactive in the store.

global $active, $inactive, $zero_qty_inactive, $deleteit;

$active = 'Active';

$inactive = 'Inactive';

//$deleteit = 'Delete'; // not functional yet

$zero_qty_inactive = true;

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