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How do I set paging at top of products


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When you enter a category the paging for the products is at the bottom of the products page.


Can I add paging to the top of the page as well and if so how is it done.




BTW I've searched for days and racked my brain but can't figure it out

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Click on Configuration then Product Listing


At the bottom of that page set this to what you want:


Location of Prev/Next Navigation Bar (1-top, 2-bottom, 3-both)

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Click on Configuration then Product Listing


At the bottom of that page set this to what you want:


Location of Prev/Next Navigation Bar (1-top, 2-bottom, 3-both)



Great thanks

I think this is important because it tells the visiting buyer, instantly, that you have more than one page of that product category.


When the paging is at the bottom, only, the buyer may make a decision based on the first visible few products to leave, without seeing the paging at the bottom. Incorrectly assuming that this is all the products in that category.


Happy New Year

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