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The e-commerce.

1/2way thru Pre-Installation Procedure & stuck


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I read the Pre-Installation Procedure & Web Based Installation Procedure, I'm so >_< lost. I clicked the File Manager in my cPanel PRO 1.0 (RC1), I clicked the Upload file(s) to upload the oscommerce-2.2rc1.zip, then I clicked Extract File Contents, & the oscommerce-2.2rc1 appeared in the File Manager as shown below. I deleted oscommerce-2.2rc1.zip. And now, I don't know what's is my next step.


File Manager

/ (Current Folder)

Create New Folder

Upload file(s)

.cpanel 755

.trash 700

access-logs 750

etc 750

mail 770

oscommerce-2.2rc1 777

public_ftp 755

public_html 750

tmp 755

www 750

Create New File

.bash_logout 0k 0644

.bash_profile 0k 0644

.bashrc 0k 0644

.contactemail 0k 0600

.lastlogin 0k 0600



1. Was the above procedure correct?


2. When I clicked on oscommerce-2.2rc1, it showed these options:-


Delete this folder and all files under it

Rename this folder

Change Permissions

Move this folder

Copy this folder


How do I specifically select & copy the catalog, which is inside the oscommerce-2.2rc1?


Appreciate help & kindly use the simplest language term possible.

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Delete the cPanel install.


Download osCommerce from here and unzip it on your PC


Upload the contents of the osCommerce 'catalog' folder, but not the folder itself, to the root of your web hosting via FTP. It looks as though the public_html folder is the root of your hosting.


Via cPanel create a new MySQL database, MySQL User and Password and assign that User and Password to that database.


Go to http://www.yourdomain.com/install and start the osCommerce web based install procedure.



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Delete the cPanel install.


Download osCommerce from here and unzip it on your PC


Upload the contents of the osCommerce 'catalog' folder, but not the folder itself, to the root of your web hosting via FTP. It looks as though the public_html folder is the root of your hosting.


Via cPanel create a new MySQL database, MySQL User and Password and assign that User and Password to that database.


Go to http://www.yourdomain.com/install and start the osCommerce web based install procedure.



And read Vger's quick install guide (link in her signature).

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