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Price in advanced search


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  • 1 month later...
Is it possible to change in tha advanced search the price field "from" and "to" to a dropdown list not a text field?! Thanks.


Unbelievable...no answer for two months. I has just solved it so here it is:


<td class="fieldKey"><?php echo ENTRY_PRICE_FROM; ?></td>
			<td class="fieldValue">
<select name="pfrom"><option value="" SELECTED>bez obmedzenia</option><option value="99">99,-sk</option><option value="200">200,-sk</option><option value="250">250,-sk</option><option value="300">300,-sk</option><option value="350">350,-sk</option><option value="400">400,-sk</option></select>
			<td class="fieldKey"><?php echo ENTRY_PRICE_TO; ?></td>
			<td class="fieldValue">				
			<select name="pto"><option value="" SELECTED>bez obmedzenia</option><option value="150">150,-sk</option><option value="200">200,-sk</option><option value="250">250,-sk</option><option value="300">300,-sk</option><option value="350">350,-sk</option><option value="400">400,-sk</option></select>

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