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Error 1064 in mysql


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Once I have intstalled correctlly memeber_approvalV6 this error turns up and I don´t know how to solve it.


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1


select customers_language_id from customers where customers_id =



Can anyone help?





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First of all put your backup in place as this new contrib is obviously playing havoc with your site, then try googling your error in its entirety. It's a great way of quickly finding the answer for your error.

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Might be better to check the change you have made to the code as you have either got a duff contribution, unlikly, or you did not follow the installation instructions.


Put some code in the wrong place?Ddidn't copy it exactly? The possibilities are endless.

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Might be better to check the change you have made to the code as you have either got a duff contribution, unlikly, or you did not follow the installation instructions.


Put some code in the wrong place?Ddidn't copy it exactly? The possibilities are endless.



1- I have checked the installation, and it is correct.

2- I have tried to look for any help in google and the only page I find is a german one, in which a guy tells me to change (

        $customer_language_id_qry = tep_db_query('select customers_language_id from ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . ' where customers_id = ' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['cID']); // Fehler beseitigt) but I don´t know either where to put it or if it´s really a fix.

3- About the Mysql5 fix, I find it not to work with me.


Can anyone else help me at least to understand the german quote? and if it´ll work and where to put it?




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$HTTP_GET_VARS['cID'] to $_GET['cID'] and chek.

Register globals issues.



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