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zero price on one product only


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Come on, do you think the people are psychic here? They can't read your code. Actually, you have that problem with at least one more product: products_id=109


of course not Jan! I was more comming from the fact it may be a common issue that s not so unheard of. Like a localization issue that most people have experienced with zero prices (and as i find the search function here terrible including the google one I thought it best to ask)


So any particular page code that would be handy? As it's not system wide just a few pages (thanks for pointing the other product out) I'm not sure where to look

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of course not Jan! I was more comming from the fact it may be a common issue that s not so unheard of. Like a localization issue that most people have experienced with zero prices (and as i find the search function here terrible including the google one I thought it best to ask)

Well searching here is terrible yes but only a few products that have a zero price is not something I have heard of before (that doesn't mean a lot, but at least it is not that common :) )

So any particular page code that would be handy? As it's not system wide just a few pages (thanks for pointing the other product out) I'm not sure where to look

That is the problem, we can't see your code so we certainly can't tell you want is wrong. Probably best to concentrate on product_info.php first. The price is looked up there, so the error may be there too. Otherwise, those two products might have something in common that we don't know but you might.

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