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DHL module error: Country invalid


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I seem to get an error when using the DHL Module. The error is as reads:


DHL Express (1 x 2lbs) DHL Express

The following errors have occured:

1. Country invalid.



I get this whenever I use a UK address. Anyone else getting this error when they are using a certain address?



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  • 1 month later...

Here is what DHL sent me about this issue:


Sorry for the incorrect code .

Use "UK" instead of "GB".

Here is an example :



<CompanyName>Coke E. Coli</CompanyName>

<Street>303 Regent Street</Street>






<AttnTo>Sally Consumer</AttnTo>



The document will be updated.





XML Implementation Team



10001 N. 92nd Street

Suite 100

Scottsdale, AZ 85258



fax: (480) 907-2220


[email protected]


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I put the code shown below into the includes/modules/shipping/dhlairborne.php

somewhere around line 273. Pretty simple fix. Basically I had to change the information from 'GB' into "UK'. I tested it out for address from Scotland all the way to N Ireland and it works.


Here is the old code:

	function _setDestination($street_address, $city, $state, $postal, $country) {
  global $order;

  $postal = str_replace(' ', '', $postal);
  $state_query = tep_db_query("select zone_code from " . TABLE_ZONES . " where zone_name = '" . $state . "' and zone_country_id = '" . (int)$order->delivery['country']['id'] . "'");
  $state_info = tep_db_fetch_array($state_query);

  $this->destination_street_address = $street_address;
  $this->destination_city = $city;
  $this->destination_state = $state_info['zone_code'];
  $this->destination_postal = substr($postal, 0, 5);
  $this->destination_country = $country;



Here is what I changed it to:


	function _setDestination($street_address, $city, $state, $postal, $country) {
  global $order;

  $postal = str_replace(' ', '', $postal);
  $state_query = tep_db_query("select zone_code from " . TABLE_ZONES . " where zone_name = '" . $state . "' and zone_country_id = '" . (int)$order->delivery['country']['id'] . "'");
  $state_info = tep_db_fetch_array($state_query);

  $this->destination_street_address = $street_address;
  $this->destination_city = $city;
  $this->destination_state = $state_info['zone_code'];
  $this->destination_postal = substr($postal, 0, 5);
  if ($country == 'GB'){
	  $country = "UK";
  $this->destination_country = $country;

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  • 2 months later...

You can also just go into Countries (under Locations / Taxes) in your configuration screens and for the country United Kingdom just change the two-letter code from GB to UK. This is where the shipping modules get their data. But this changes it for the entire osCommerce system, not just the DHL shipping module.

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