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Trouble with Main categories in front page v2.3c


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...but just can't seem to get it to work. I have uploaded the file main_categories.php into (My Store)/catalog/includes/modules


I coppied the html from the README file and pasted it in the right spot (I think), in (My Store)/catalog/index.php


Now I tried to do step 3, but it seems to be optional...? When I try it, everytime I go to my site, I get an error: Constant_Encapsed_String..... If it's optional, I could leave it out.


So after all this, I still don't see my main categories on my first page. :blink:


Is there a problem with me editing my html directly on NetFirms? I am a total rookie, so have no idea how to build with html.


I don't have the link to my e-commerce site directly, but if you go to www.aircraftpaintprotection.net and click into the site and click shopping you can get there... if seeing it would even help.


I would appreciate any help.


Thanks in advance,


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