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Amend description length in new_products.php


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I want to amend the number of charactors allowed in my new_products.php and the general product_listing.php - I am sure I have seen in a file within oscommerce the ability to change the charactor length simply but I cannot find it now... any ideas?


Thanks! :(

Founder & Director at CSC Tours Ltd

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See if you can find in admin . Store settings configuration for max value


I found it but it had nothing related to description length for anything letalone product_listing.php... >_<

Founder & Director at CSC Tours Ltd

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I found it but it had nothing related to description length for anything letalone product_listing.php... >_<

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Doh! I dont mean I found the solution... I mean I found what they were talking about but it doesnt appear to be there. :(


Any other ideas? Thanks!

Founder & Director at CSC Tours Ltd

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Sadly no.... as the description field is text with no limit within PHPmyadmin.... there is a section somewhere within the oscommerce files which deals with the description length - I just cannot find it... nevermind, I will keep searching and post in on here when I do.

Founder & Director at CSC Tours Ltd

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I want to amend the number of charactors allowed in my new_products.php and the general product_listing.php - I am sure I have seen in a file within oscommerce the ability to change the charactor length simply but I cannot find it now... any ideas?


Thanks! :(


Ha ha! Found it everyone!


goto Header.php and change the bottom:










// customization for the design layout

// how wide the boxes should be in pixels (default: 125)




Amending the MAX_DESCR_1 to what you require sorts it out!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!! :thumbsup:

Founder & Director at CSC Tours Ltd

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