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UPS XML 1.2.9 - insurance limit...


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what can i do? i have items that are over $50,000 and it reports an error that UPS wont insure more.. is there some type of limit that could be programmed into it?


example. someone buys a $70,000 item, charges them up to $50k insurance.. then lets me figure out what i'm gonna do with the method i will use to ship the item...


i dont know why i can't clearly say anything right now, i hope someone understands me lol


thanks in advance

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what can i do? i have items that are over $50,000 and it reports an error that UPS wont insure more.. is there some type of limit that could be programmed into it?

I think this should work. Change the bit around line 85 in modules/shipping/upsxml.php from

		// insurance addition
	  { $this->pkgvalue = 100; }
	  { $this->pkgvalue = ceil($order->info['subtotal']); }


		// insurance addition
	  { $this->pkgvalue = 100; }
	  if (ceil($order->info['subtotal']) > 50000) {
		$this->pkgvalue = 50000;
	  } else {		
		$this->pkgvalue = ceil($order->info['subtotal']); 
	} // end if (MODULE_SHIPPING_UPSXML_INSURE == 'True')

and the total value of the shipment will never be reported higher than $ 50,000.

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