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Help needed with 'Who's on Line'


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(note - very technically challenged, please respond in very simple terms)


Google, Yahoo, MSN are constantly running around our site - which I have no problem with - but when I check the 'Who's on Line" I have to sift thru 18 Googles, 9 Yahoos and a couple MSNs to determine who (people) are really checking out our stuff - and what items they are looking at.


I have changed the 'Prevent Spider Sessions' to true. And, it seems to have cut down the number - but it could just be a slow time cause I still see some G, Y & M IP addresses coming up.


What I would like to do is some how filter out selected IP addresses from THIS report - a 'do not show IP xxxxx' kind of thing.


If that is not an option - have it displayed by IP address (haven't figured out how it is sorted by default) so that they would all be clumped together.


Or (since these tipycally have the same 'entry time' and 'last click' times - no action) have it display the active (determined by # of clicks since entering) IPs first, and then those that are just sitting there be displayed at the end of the report. (hope that made sense)


Does anyone have a solution to this / suggestions?


Thanks in advance.


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