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Product not down-loadable after payment!


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I'm a newbie.


Have installed an older version of OSC, populated it a little and tested.


Oppppps! Payment is great, the return link shows the product, but it cannot be downloaded!


Tried in different fashions, .ZIP, .PDF


You Guy's and Girl's have probably met this before, I'm lost!!!!!!!!


Any help would be great!

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Make shure that zip file are in /download dir.editing attributes:put filename in and make downloadable. In Tip and Tricks there are answers.

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Hi and thanks for your great help offer.


Unfortunately, I had already done all of that prior to testing.


Otherwise, I believe, the payment return would not have shown me the purchased product.


It was correctly there and many more attempts with different product's show the same results the choosen product is always there, but not underlined and cannot be downloaded.


I have rechecked the configure.php files and sought in the source files and am really baffeled!


Thanks again, I am still frantically trying , but no light on the horizon.


My kindest regards


Make shure that zip file are in /download dir.editing attributes:put filename in and make downloadable. In Tip and Tricks there are answers.
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all my downoloadable files(zip) are in download dir.I was going trough a hell trying to find out why the download did not work .I found out that my filename had a white space.I had to corrected all the zip files and working now.Check your zip files for white spaces.The option name should be "Download" and value YES.

filename exactly as downloadable file.Have a fun

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