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Redirect www.mydomain.com to www.mydomain.com/catalog Help Me


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Another thing that you could do is make a splash screen for your site. Kind of like a book cover. It will go first to your www.site_name.com which has the general greeting and everything, then when they click anywhere one the site, they get directed to the catalog, or shop. That's my plan at least. ;-)

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Redirect permanent /index.php http://www.yourdomain.com/catalog


www.yourdomain.com -> www.yourdomain.com/catalog


place .htaccess and (a dummy) index.php in "/". index.php can be empty or just a copy of /cartalog/index.php Public can't open /index.php. They will be redirected to /catalog/index.php. So you can use any index.php.


htm index files are still reachable with "www.yourdomain.com/index.hml or www.yourdomain.com/index.hm". (i hope so...)




greetz Crusher

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Is it better to redirect or to put it without catalog folder and no redirect?


Doesn't matter. Just remember that if you do it without the catalog folder you'll have to change the configure.php files in the includes and admin/includes folders as well.


Think of it as expressing your artistic side. ;-)

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Doesn't matter. Just remember that if you do it without the catalog folder you'll have to change the configure.php files in the includes and admin/includes folders as well.


Think of it as expressing your artistic side. ;-)

What in the configure.php and admin/includes have i to change, is it nothing more to change?


Wich one do you think is good for beginner?

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Sooner or latter you will have to learn about how the store works.Redirecting it is the easy way to go, but then you will not learn much.Playin with configure.php will give to you some understanding how it works.Sometimes the "hard way" it is the best way.

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For a beginner, I would stick with the redirect. It's a quick band-aid for what you already have, and can actually improve your site if you set it up right. All that you would really have to do is create a regular html page, center the page, then put in an image link like this:


<a href="www.mys_site.com/catalog"><img src="location/of/my/pic.jpg" border="0"></a>


You can make the picture as big as you want, or include a greeting or some kind at the beginning. It's all up to you.

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If you have no intention of using the root directory for anything else, there is absolutely no logical reason for having your store in a sub-directory and using a redirect. Shift the contents up one level and remove any instance of "OSC" from the 2 configure files. Just make copies of the configure files prior so you have a fallback if you make a mistake.


Definately, for certain, under no circumstances do you want a splash page with a link. They are very annoying, will lose you visitors and aren't SEO friendly.


If for some reason you need to redirect and you are on an Apache server, use the .htaccess method as posted earlier.

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If you have no intention of using the root directory for anything else, there is absolutely no logical reason for having your store in a sub-directory and using a redirect. Shift the contents up one level and remove any instance of "OSC" from the 2 configure files. Just make copies of the configure files prior so you have a fallback if you make a mistake.


Definately, for certain, under no circumstances do you want a splash page with a link. They are very annoying, will lose you visitors and aren't SEO friendly.


If for some reason you need to redirect and you are on an Apache server, use the .htaccess method as posted earlier.

If i don't redirect it, is only the configure.php i have to change or more files?


If more files can you please write and only configure.php can you say exactly what in configure.php

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It can be a bit time consuming, depending on what options your host or your FTP client affords you. You need to move everything that is now in your OSC directory, into the root directory (that is the directory OSC sits in now.)


To do that, you either download the entire store (the contents of OSC) onto your hard drive and then upload them again, to the root directory. Or, if your FTP client supports it, you can move the contents from OSC into root.


If you need to download the contents, look in your host's control panel for an option to zip (compress) them. This will make it easier to download but you will have to unzip them once you upload again.


Once you have done that, open in turn, includes/configure.php and then admin/includes/configure.php in your text editor, remove any instance you see of OSC and upload them to their correct directories. Do them one at a time to avoid confusion. Also, make a copy of each before you attempt any changes.

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