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Display Something Based on cPath


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I'm wondering if there is a way to display a banner on a page based on the cPath. I thought that a simple statement like this:


<?php if (CPath == "138") { echo "SOMETHING"; } ?>


would do the trick but it's not working. Can anyone tell me how to dispaly something based on the category link?



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Try this:


<?php if ($cPath == 138) { echo 'SOMETHING'; } ?>


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Then $cPath must not be set where you're using it.


Try this:


if (isset($cPath) && tep_not_null($cPath)) {
 echo 'SOMETHING';
} else {
 echo 'not set';


as a test.


If it displays 'not set', then there's your problem...


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OK, I figured it out. I had it in the wrong place on the page (never gonna work in the header, before it gets called).


Any way, I've gotten it to work, but now I am a little perplexed. I was hoping to dispaly a special banner (now it's just the SOMING SOON text) based on the URL link:




However, the banner will also be displayed here as well:




How do I get it to diaply only on the top page?

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Sometimes I can be as dense as Tik wood, Vern...



But, I'm not comprehending exactly what it is you're trying to do?


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If you would look at the following link:




You would see that this is a category called "Wholesale For Resale"


This link:




is a sub-category called "Pariffin Pillars" which is a sub-category of "Wholesale For Resale". When you setup a category you can upload an image that is 150 x 150 but the client wants to display a banner 500 x 500 ONLY on the one path. So I though the best thing to do was to look at the cPath and if that cPath = 138 then dispaly that banner. But what is happening now is that the cPath 138_174 (which is a sub-category of 138) also will dispaly that banner which is evendent when you look and see the "COMING SOON" text of each of those pages.


Make sense?

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The "standard link" in osC goes something like this:




You must have an SEO mod or something that alters the links.


I'm fairly certain the variable $products_id is still used internally.


Maybe something like this would narrow it down to a particular item/product:


<?php if ( ($cPath == '138') && ($products_id == '174') ) {
 echo 'SOMETHING'; 
} ?>


This piece of code is assumning that from this link you posted:




And what you've said, that $cPath='138' and $products_id = '174'.


But, in my osC code, $products_id isn't used in index.php, only in product_listing.php, so this might not work.


I don't know what else to try offhand....


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<?php if ( ($cPath == '138') && ($products_id == '174') ) {
 echo 'SOMETHING'; 
} ?>


If I undertsand you correctly, what you are saying here is if $cPath is eqaul 138 AND if the $products_id is equal to 174 then echo SOMETHING. But that is not what I want. I want for it to only dispaly SOMETHING if $cPath is eqaul to 138 and the $products_id is blank which leads me to my solution:



<?php if ( ($cPath == '138') && ($products_id == '') ) {
 echo 'SOMETHING'; 
} ?>



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You mean that actually worked?


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  • 4 months later...

You're welcome.


I must have got out of bed on the right side that day, and you did the same today.




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I think it might have been a little better, to have used;


<?php if ($current_category_id == 138) echo "SOMETHING"; ?>


rather than play with the $cPath.


The original poster was dealing with a $cPath which had subcategories 138_174 and as $cPath is quite inflexible it would have proved not so useful. The stuff about product_id 174 was a bit of a red herring, I think.


Anyway - for anyone reading this in the future, $current_category_id gives you ID of the category you are in, whatever level of subscategory (and therefore $cPath) you are...


Edit: Note that $current_category_id also works in other pages, such as product_info.php - so it's much more flexible than $cPath.

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For anyone reading this in the future, $cPath also works in other pages, such as product_info.php.

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For anyone reading this in the future, $cPath also works in other pages, such as product_info.php.


Okay, I'm completely inept, I guess. I've gotten as far as getting it to echo whatever I want based on the $cPath, but it opens up the empty product category page (I want to use this to create a Coming Soon message) and places my echoed content up in the corner of the browser window, outside of the osCommerce content.


Admittedly, I'm completely new to this so I may be shoving the code into the wrong spot, but I do get it to echo to the screen; just not in a usable format.

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I guess, post the code you have, and what you want it to do that it's not doing, and we'll go from there.

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I guess, post the code you have, and what you want it to do that it's not doing, and we'll go from there.


Okay,I'm some sort of dope. I put that same code back into index.php so that I could show you exactly where I was putting it and what was happening and this time it worked. :blink:


I'm guessing I had it in the wrong spot last time. Thanks.

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  • 9 months later...
Try this:


<?php if ($cPath == 138) { echo 'SOMETHING'; } ?>



I know this is old but it is what I need to use but I need to have


<?php if ($cPath == 138 or 283 or 296) { echo 'SOMETHING'; } ?>


how would i do this?

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