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adding same item to 2 categories, is it possible?


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for example, if i have only 1 of a particular item, but that item fits in 2 seperate categories, is there a way i can add that item to both categories, but still only have 1 in stock? and if someone buys it have it removed from both categories automatically?


i dont know if i explained that correctly, but hopefully it makes sense..


thanks in advance for any replies..

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If you have a 2 shoes.One red and another yellow then you create a product called yellow shoe and red shoe.Each of them will be only one in stock.In attribute add class "yellow" and "red".If someone buy yellow it will be out of stock, but the red still will be available for sale.I do not know if it is possible to remove from stock both when only one is purchased.One product can have 2 different price and when sold it my be possible to be out of stock.

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