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The e-commerce.

really screwed up in IE, fine in Firefox


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i changed the image paths from relative to absolute




/images/abc.jpg >>> http://www.mintpros.com/images/abc.jpg


and that works but the actual shop content is still all red Xs'




I am going insane - everything was fine until now. I have not touched the site.


In IE, the images, CSS, nothing shows up except the actual text.




but in Firefox its fine.... anyone run into this??

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you have some messed up or missing code in your index.php


Line 40 is not stating your base href and is leaving it blank:


<base href="">look at your code and see if it looks like this:


<base href="<?php echo (($request_type == 'SSL') ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . DIR_WS_CATALOG; ?>">

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