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The e-commerce.

C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/catalog/ help


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hi i really new with php and oscommerce but somehow i manage to setup oscommerce v2.x in my local computer using xampp.

my question is after all working i thinking to upload it to my webhosting, which i need to make modification with the configure.php file.

the problem i got is in the admin/include/configure.php line 10 (could be different) got "C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/catalog/" which i dont know how to make it dynamic . i have tried change it with http://mydomainname.com.au. but still now working.


anyone can help me.




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hi i really new with php and oscommerce but somehow i manage to setup oscommerce v2.x in my local computer using xampp.

my question is after all working i thinking to upload it to my webhosting, which i need to make modification with the configure.php file.

the problem i got is in the admin/include/configure.php line 10 (could be different) got "C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/catalog/" which i dont know how to make it dynamic . i have tried change it with http://mydomainname.com.au. but still now working.


anyone can help me.



Can you give us the full line of code there? That way we can see exactly what it is being defined as.

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Can you give us the full line of code there? That way we can see exactly what it is being defined as.



  define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', 'C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/catalog/');



we need to change that line of code to make it dynamic rite ( sorry being so noob)


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I'm using my localhost as well to modifications to the shop, what I have for my line of code there is this:




You might want to comment out your line, then paste in mine, see if it does anything. It's worth a shot.


Also, what is your HTTP_SERVER defined as? If you are using C:\, you might want to switch it to http://localhost/store_name

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