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The e-commerce.

More Category Boxes


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ive installed the More Category Boxes mod. Everything works out great, except when i go to Admin panel-Categories-More Categories


I get this error



1146 - Table 'lost-shop_co_uk_1.TABLE_CATEGORIES_MORE' doesn't exist





Ive checked my database, and the table is there. Would anybody be able to tell me where ive gone?


Many Thanks in advance x

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ive installed the More Category Boxes mod. Everything works out great, except when i go to Admin panel-Categories-More Categories


I get this error

1146 - Table 'lost-shop_co_uk_1.TABLE_CATEGORIES_MORE' doesn't exist



Ive checked my database, and the table is there. Would anybody be able to tell me where ive gone?


Many Thanks in advance x

Are you using any prefix for your tables in database?

It is trying to find table TABLE_CATEGORIES_MORE in database 'lost-shop_co_uk_1' - is that the right prefix?




Best Regards,

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yeah as far as i know, im not that great with sql procedures. I imported the sql files that came with it. Ive took some screen shots of the table, im not sure its correct, i havent modified it =




then this when i click browse =



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yeah as far as i know, im not that great with sql procedures. I imported the sql files that came with it. Ive took some screen shots of the table, im not sure its correct, i havent modified it =




then this when i click browse =



Check \includes\database_tables.php


All tables are defined as shown below

  define('TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK', 'address_book');
 define('TABLE_ADDRESS_FORMAT', 'address_format');
 define('TABLE_ADMINISTRATORS', 'administrators');


In your case, I guess readme would indicate what needs to be added, but from what I can make out you have to insert a value as shown below where oscommerce_XXXXXX has to be replaced by the actual name of table as seen in phpmyadmin

  define('TABLE_CATEGORIES_MORE', 'oscommerce_XXXXXX');




Best Regards,

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thank you so much for helping me, but i changed the \includes\database_tables.php


// More Category Boxes contrib

define('TABLE_CATEGORIES_MORE', 'oscommerce_categories_more');

// More Category Boxes contrib


and it hasnt changed anything. Im just checking the read me sql file, and its all there, all the inserts, values etc... but its still the same


Edit: I got it working! Thank you So Much! x x x x x

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  • 2 years later...

thank you so much for helping me, but i changed the \includes\database_tables.php


// More Category Boxes contrib

define('TABLE_CATEGORIES_MORE', 'oscommerce_categories_more');

// More Category Boxes contrib


and it hasnt changed anything. Im just checking the read me sql file, and its all there, all the inserts, values etc... but its still the same


Edit: I got it working! Thank you So Much! x x x x x



Just to let you guys know i had the same problems what i did is this

copy the more categories without language and over write the more categories file

and in the database file under the admin folder remove table_ from table_more_categories and it worked

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