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wanted to let you know that it was a server time out issue.





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Liz: The path to your copy of PHP is needed for this code to run via CRON. That's the first line of the file:


You need to change that to what your provider said:



Scott: Thanks for the note. That's one less potential bug I have to go looking for.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Liz: The path to your copy of PHP is needed for this code to run via CRON. That's the first line of the file:

You need to change that to what your provider said:



Scott: Thanks for the note. That's one less potential bug I have to go looking for.





Thanks AGAIN!





A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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Changed first line as you suggested and CRON still doesn't work. I get this message:-


/bin/sh: /usr/bin/php/home/yxgblfan/public_html/catalog/automatic/review_mail.php: Not a directory


or I can get this one:-


/bin/sh: /home/yxgblfan/public_html/catalog/automatic/review_mail.php: Permission denied


but I cant get it to run!!!! Flipping thing!!


This still seems to have /bin/sh in which I am not supposed to be using. I am at a loss and Vodahost aren't answering me!!


Any suggestions??!!







A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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The first error seems to indicate that it is searching for the file in the wrong place. It looks like your hosting service doesn't have their PHP set up correctly, or they have given you the wrong location for it. I can't tell without access to their servers, and probably not then.


The second error may be fixed by changing the permissions on your review_mail.php to 777. You may also need to change the directory it is in to the same.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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The first error seems to indicate that it is searching for the file in the wrong place. It looks like your hosting service doesn't have their PHP set up correctly, or they have given you the wrong location for it. I can't tell without access to their servers, and probably not then.


The second error may be fixed by changing the permissions on your review_mail.php to 777. You may also need to change the directory it is in to the same.





Thanks Jim I'll have a go at the second one and see where we get as Vodahost not answering me!


Let you know how I go







A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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Thanks Jim I'll have a go at the second one and see where we get as Vodahost not answering me!


Let you know how I go






No such luck didn't work so will just have to keep emailing Vodahost.







A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I upgraded to 1.01 and now, every time I get an email from the admin, it says that 0 emails were sent even though the database has 4 orders that are over 10 days. I wish I could be more specific, it worked fine with 1.00 - any thoughts? thanks!



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I upgraded to 1.01 and now, every time I get an email from the admin, it says that 0 emails were sent even though the database has 4 orders that are over 10 days. I wish I could be more specific, it worked fine with 1.00 - any thoughts? thanks!



I can't think of anything that would do this. 1.01 is a couple of very minor bug fixes, mostly in the modifications in the instructions. Did you make any changes to the files when you installed 1.0? For the orders that were not sent a notice, was the value of reminder_sent in the orders table set to 0?


If all else fails, just revert to 1.0 -- the changes were nothing critical.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Wanted to get back with you Jim - today 1.01 worked. It sent 4 emails to 4 orders, but I have changed nothing. I guess I was concerned because i had the delay set at 10 days, but the 4 orders that review emails were sent on today were place on:







I expected 2 to be sent yesterday and 2 to be sent today... does the script base the number of days on date or does it take into account the time the order was placed as well?


thanks for the great addon Jim and for your support of it.



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I expected 2 to be sent yesterday and 2 to be sent today... does the script base the number of days on date or does it take into account the time the order was placed as well?

Yes, it converts date and time to seconds to do the math, so it could be an extra day before the email is sent.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Yes, it converts date and time to seconds to do the math, so it could be an extra day before the email is sent.





Thanks Jim

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jim


I just wanted to ask you, when you have set up the cron do you get two mails. After weeks and weeks and weeks of trying the CRON is now set up but I get one mail which is blank and I am persuming this has come directly from CRON and then I also get the mail saying so many messages have been sent which is part of your script. Is this normal and correct?







A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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The Admin should get one email giving the number of emails sent. The blank email is some kind of error. I would suggest a test order. If you (as the customer) get the correct email, and the admin email is correct, you can probably ignore the blank.




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The Admin should get one email giving the number of emails sent. The blank email is some kind of error. I would suggest a test order. If you (as the customer) get the correct email, and the admin email is correct, you can probably ignore the blank.






Thanks again. I know customers are getting the correct one when run manually as I have one customer who has worked her way through most products and now has reviewed most products! I did add the approval contribution as you suggested so that is working fine. I thought maybe ignore the blank one.







A very appreciative member still attempting to climb the steep learning curve!

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is perfect!


Except, when I run the review_mail.php I get this error:


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3


update customers set reminder_sent = 1 where customers_id =





I *sometimes* get an email to my admin e-mail saying emails were sent (no # of emails given though), and *some* of my customers get the e-mail. With my testing, it works, but that's only one. I think this error means that it only sends the email out to 1 customer then stops. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


I also have never gotten the #!/usr/local/bin/php message. Usually just a blank screen, or the above error

Edited by endicia89
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That error will stop further processing, so no more emails would be sent. I have no idea why this would happen sometimes and not all the time. What is your MySQL version?


Also, you could try this patch. Find this code in automatic/review_mail.php:

		// Mark the order to show the email was sent
	tep_db_query ("update " . TABLE_ORDERS . "
				   set reminder_sent = 1
				   where orders_id = " . $orders_id

and replace it with this version:

		// Mark the order to show the email was sent
	tep_db_query ("update " . TABLE_ORDERS . "
				   set reminder_sent = '1'
				   where orders_id = '" . $orders_id . "'"

I don't know if that will help, but please let me know if it changes the situation at all.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Thank you for such a prompt reply and for still supporting this contribution.


Unfortunately, that patch did not work. I went to the review_mail.php location again and got the same error. When I was first testing this with test orders, if the 1 test order wasn't modified within the past 11 days (in other words, no e-mail should have been sent anyways), and then I ran review_mail.php, I would get a blank screen. When I changed the modified date for the order to 15 days ago, ran review_mail.php, I got the error as mentioned.


MySQL database version is 4.1


That error will stop further processing, so no more emails would be sent. I have no idea why this would happen sometimes and not all the time. What is your MySQL version?


Also, you could try this patch. Find this code in automatic/review_mail.php:

		// Mark the order to show the email was sent
	tep_db_query ("update " . TABLE_ORDERS . "
				   set reminder_sent = 1
				   where orders_id = " . $orders_id

and replace it with this version:

		// Mark the order to show the email was sent
	tep_db_query ("update " . TABLE_ORDERS . "
				   set reminder_sent = '1'
				   where orders_id = '" . $orders_id . "'"

I don't know if that will help, but please let me know if it changes the situation at all.




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here's something interesting:

I get the same error when I run the file, but the e-mails are being sent one, only once at a time. I am also not receiving any emails in my admin.

The reminder_sent is being updated to "1" in the orders table, but NOT the customers table (still all 0's).


Does this mean that every customer will get this e-mail only once still? Or not because the reminder_sent column is all 0's in the customers table.


Maybe I should just ignore the error?

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I installed this last night and did a test - it didn't go well. It seems that it has emailed everyone who has ever ordered from the site (including people who ordered a year ago). This has resulted in about 20 phone calls (so far) this morning with people saying that they have received an email from us saying that they have "ordered recently" when they haven't ordered anything for months!


Also it has sent emails to people who are not subscribed to the newsletter. If I run the file again how can I make sure that these people don't get emailed again as they are already pretty unhappy with us. Also how do you add "date ordered: 00/00/00" to the email?

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I just found that since installing this I no longer receive my order confirmation emails when a customer places an order.


How do I uninstall this contribution? Help would be appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

I have also severe problems with customers receiving blank email! Has someone sovled that problem already?


I think it could have sth. to do with cron jobs, because manual execution works just fine!


Perhaps someone who has no blank mail problems could post his cronjob command here so that we can compare the commands?

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Installed but getting one error when I opened link




it comes up with this


Fatal error: Class 'smtp' not found in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\includes\classes\email.php on line 545


website is fully able to send emails from every other place without problem, Like contact us, oder status and etc.

class/email.php line 545 is

"// The body of the email

$send_params['body'] = "$this->output";

is_object($smtp = smtp::connect($params)) AND $smtp->send($send_params); (This is Line 545)

// end smtp authentication"


Dont understand what to do now, Will appretiate any help.


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This module uses the tep_mail function, which is also used by the Contact Us page, etc. If the contact form is working this one should also work. Did you make any changes to catalog/includes/application_top.php to get your mail to work?




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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This module uses the tep_mail function, which is also used by the Contact Us page, etc. If the contact form is working this one should also work. Did you make any changes to catalog/includes/application_top.php to get your mail to work?





Hi Thanks for your reply,

Yes I think I set up Email system to use SMTP.



This line added:

include_once(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'class.smtp.php');


is this any help full or I can send you any file for look.




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