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Lost product order info - get IPN?


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Hi all

I just experienced one order where the product info did not return and have now sent an email to the customer asking for which product he ordered. This is not optimal so I was wondering if I should use the IPN module if this would have helped in this situation? Also if I use this module do I have to change some things with Paypal? (I currently use the normal Paypal system which is preinstalled in the basic oscommerce)?


Kind regards



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Hi Dets03ab,


I am using the PayPal Instant Payment Notification module which I am finding very helpful for your situation.


When you set this up you can test that your site is working ok by placing in a temp sandbox environment and see exactly how your payment processes works and have access to the Paypal API which is where you can look into and test everything relating to your customer orders etc.


If you have PHP skills you can let rip and devise all sorts of methods for displaying payment and order info


Have a read in the developer section at PayPal I recommend it anyway. Also there are many IPN contributions available and loads of documentation to go along with it in this site and in paypal's developers website also.


Hope this helped

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Hi all

I just experienced one order where the product info did not return and have now sent an email to the customer asking for which product he ordered. This is not optimal so I was wondering if I should use the IPN module if this would have helped in this situation? Also if I use this module do I have to change some things with Paypal? (I currently use the normal Paypal system which is preinstalled in the basic oscommerce)?


Kind regards



Yes, use one of the PayPal IPN add-ons. I also use the pending order email addon.

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